~Let's just say she was riddled with bullets.

Jan 10, 2012 21:43

Man, I feel like I should have a sketchpost together for you guys at this point, but I don't really have enough I don't think. :O I haven't had too much time for drawing lately, as weird as that sounds, haha. But instead, kamesen24 posted up an awesome comic over here you should totally read!
I should really sit down and do an actual website update at some point but eh so lazy. SO INSTEAD!

Here's another Metroid remix album for the 25th anniversary! Haha so many Metroid remixes lately but heck I am not complaining. HOW CAN I? Totally love the version of Norfair on here, as well as the Maridia Rocky Soil area (come to think of it, have yet to find a version of that theme I don't like), and the Brinstar Red Soil area. Also has some Prime remixes on it, if you're into that. :O Neat stuff either way though, haha.

Man if I knew nothin about music or remixing or had the time or attention span I swear, I would love to do a remix for Phantasmagoria. I know I know but seriously, I can totally hear the basic background theme for Chapter 6 done in an ominous, sparse, vaguely dissonant horror movie kind of way, sort of like Penderecki's stuff in The Shining or some of the stuff from Ravenous OR even some of the tracks from Philosophy of a Knife. Then at some heightened violin screechy part, or after a pause, or something idk it could go right into the chase theme with a big crescendo and maybe some wailing guitars or something. IDK I JUST THINK IT'D BE NEAT i can hear it in my head but it's so hard to get it out. Although that's often the case with most creative things I guess, haha. AS goofy as Phantasmagoria was I think its music could really be cool if treated properly. The entire soundtrack was all midi, so there isn't anything higher quality than what I just linked you to that I'm aware of anyway. SO MUCH POTENTIAL I THINK

I've also thought about what it'd be like to mix Baby Metroid theme from Metroid II with the Innocent Girl theme from Snatcher. Haha most random crossover but for some reason they both kind of remind me of each other. And I've always really loved the Metroid II Baby Metroid theme, even though it's incredibly simple and is just mostly the same basic melody layered over itself in weirder ways as it goes along. And it reminds me of Doll's Polyphony from Akira (man i would watch this sequence all day). Actually though Innocent Girl might go better with Topsy Turvy from the old Little Nemo NES game. Although I feel like there's a lot of potential there for Topsy Turvy just in general, I mean just listen to how pretty it sounds on a piano. SOMEDAY I SHOULD REALLY MESS AROUND MORE IN REAPER OR SOMETHING


I also posted this at dreamwidth with reluctant ambivalence. Comment here or there, don't matter to me!

snatcher, sierra games, phantasmagoria, metroid

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