~Legends have to start somewhere. Like the Keebler Elves.

Sep 13, 2011 00:51

THIS IS A SHORT POST but maybe you guys can help me with something

An anon and xen0glossy confirmed my suspicions that "Wide Knowledge of the Late, Madness" isn't the best way to translate 博識であるが故、狂気 (Hakushiki Dearuga Yue Kyouki i think for the romanization) and a more accurate translation would be something more along the lines of "I have gained extensive knowledge and have therefore gone mad", or "I've gone insane from knowing too much". Which makes a whole lot more sense with the video and lyrics and everything.

Thing is that that seems like a bit of a mouthful for a song title, and I've been trying to think of a snappy way to summarize the idea into a song title type format while still keeping the basic meaning intact, and it's surprisingly difficult. Maybe you guys have some ideas?

Some of the variations I've been toying with are:

Knowledge gained, Sanity lost/ With knowledge gained is sanity lost
Knowledge led to Madness
The price of knowledge is madness
With knowledge comes madness
Knowledge -> Madness
I've learned too much; I've gone mad / Learned too much; Gone mad

But none of them seem to match up just right. How close should it stick to the translation? Should it still have a comma in it? MAYBE I'M JUST BAD AT THIS. You guys have any thoughts? Otherwise I'm leaning towards Learned too much; Gone mad for now.

I ask this because I may have a project in the works that you may see eventually related to this song and I'd prefer to have a good translated title for it. cough.
Since there are translated english lyrics done to match the rhythm of the song, and an easily obtainable karaoke version as well as a circulating VSQ file people are using for their Utauloid covers, I briefly thought about using an english-speaking Vocaloid to do a cover of the song in english, but a. I barely know anything about the software, b. I don't have any of them (and i'd probably want to do it with lola or something what is wrong with me, prima would probably work better), and c. I'd probably still need to subtitle it anyway.
but hmm.

vocaloids, the real fun's in the comments

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