~They took my conditioner!

Dec 03, 2008 13:21

Man I had some weird dreams last night. It alternated between ZEX and DAX having weird adventures together, and a strange alternate version of MGS where Otacon joined up with you like two minutes in, and he followed along behind you, and whenever he got too far away from you, or if you wanted him to get closer, you pressed Triangle and Snake would whistle for him or be all OTACON and Otacon would scurry closer to you. AN ESCORT MISSION, ESSENTIALLY which is weird since I usually can't stand those, but the more I think about it I would probably love an escort mission with Otacon because I'm lame and I like the idea of taking care of him. :B I'd probably stand really close and stare at him or do stuff to him to see how he'd react like you can with Meryl.

Also, weird sequence where Mantis was possessing the Pain and making him fight the Fury, except my dream was very clear on the point that it wasn't the Fury, but someone called Burning Man. A reject from Metal Gear 2 I guess. WHO KNOWS.

Anyway, I haven't done a songpost in like eight billion years SO LET'S DO ONE TODAY!! We've hit 1800-1900 now.

I've always been pretty passionate about music, I think, or at least I've always loved it. I think part of why is because my memory is so bad. I normally probably couldn't remember most anything that was happening during this period in my life, but memories attached to certain songs are extremely clear for me. :B

This may be one of the more mainstream chunks on my list, in that some of you may have a bunch of these already BUT HEY HERE THEY ARE ANYWAY JUST IN CASE. Also I was ripping a lot of old CDs from my youth at this point.

Remember, you can right click and save as these! :B I think the last couple songposts still have their songs up as well...

1802. Secret of Mana - Still of the Night. This is the music that plays in the Pure Lands in Secret of Mana, which was always an area that stood out very strongly to me. The theme here was so slow and quiet and somber, but still beautiful in this haunting way. The entire area was shrouded in constant shadow and mist, hidden under trees and leaves and everything. And filled with Griffin Hands. I always really liked that area though, and this music. :B

1804. Secret of Mana - The Oracle plays when you fight the Lich near the very end of the game. I think I mentioned before in the last songpost how Ceremony always creeped me out as a kid. It always really stood out to me. So you can imagine how :O I was when we got to the Lich, huge boss as it was, and it played this intense version of Ceremony for its boss music. HOW AWESOME IS IT? SO AWESOME.

1806. Secret of Mana - I Won't Forget is just pure nostalgia for me. Secret of Mana had an extremely clear and recognizable theme, and everytime I hear it it brings back so many memories for me. It's hard to resist this little rush of love and affection for it everytime I hear this theme, sad or upbeat. NO I WON'T FORGET SECRET OF MANA :O

1822. TWO-MIX - T-R-Y. I mentioned a while back, in the 400s, that I got a TWO-MIX compilation CD way way back in the day. Very true! I got into their stuff because of Gundam Wing and Just Communication, I won't lie to you. But I got their CD and it had a version of this song called T-R-Y ~ Return to Yourself. And it's very catchy, in a weird chanty chorus sort of way. Later on, I got another CD by them and found THIS version of T-R-Y, which I think might be the original? I DUNNO. I LIKE IT ANYWAY THOUGH.

1833. Van Halen - Jump. You probably already have this. BUT IF YOU DON'T HERE IT IS. You know what I love? This kind of synth sound, that's what I love. So much. It makes me :D to myself in the stupidest way. I HAVE NO IDEA WHY.

1834. Golden Earring - Radar Love is one you probably heard on one of the Guitar Heroes... Guitar Hero rocks the 80s, I think? Anyway, this song originally took some time to grow on me, but after a while I mysteriously grew fonder and fonder of it. The chorus just has this great building energy to it. :D Finding out it was on the 80s Guitar Hero thing was really pretty awesome. Hee hee.

1839. Erasure - All Through the Years. I love Erasure. No, not ironically, I honestly sincerely do love them. I'm not ashamed to say it. Part of that is that I associate Erasure very strongly with Sheeners, who introduced me to them, and also Isis, since we used to listen to this CD together a lot, so thinking about them is an automatic :D for me. But All Through the Years is a particular favorite of mine, since I can remember putting this on and singing along with it with Sheena so, so many times. Even when we were out in public and walking around, we'd occasionally just bust out the chorus and go nuts. GOOD TIMES, GOOD TIMES.
Also I just love this song in general, it has such a nice sort of bubble sound to it but it's still mellow, and the chorus is so happy in that goofy sort of way, and i love the lyrics and akfjafhghgjgffff

1841. Erasure - Miracle. I LOVE ERASURE OKAY SHUT UP. This song is just kind of sweet alright leave me alone.

1850. 2 Unlimited - The Magic Friend. So, after the discovery in high school that 2 Unlimited did that No Limit song I loved so much, I grew very fond of them. :B And then Sheeners gave me a CD of theirs for my birthday that year! And I loved like every song on that CD because I love dance music. The Magic Friend cracks me up because I associate it with Vrumugun for silly reasons.

1851. 2 Unlimited - The Workaholic. Oooooooh Workaholic. This song is what gave that long Final Fantasy College AU I wrote back... like seven years ago its name. Why? Because of the bells at the beginning. That's the entire reason.
Hahahaha oh collegefic. I was so young then. I really thought I was being very clever and unique for writing a college au. No one had ever done that before! Little did I know. Ah, memories.

1854. 2 Unlimited - Spread Your Love. Just happy and fun. I love the chorus of this so much. :D There's nothing like singing along with the La la la's as loudly as possible. And that happy little piano, hee hee.

1858. 2 Unlimited - Faces is probably as close to sinister as 2 Unlimited ever gets, which is not very close. STILL PRETTY NEAT THOUGH I THINK. And I love that strange DUDUDUDUDN noise that runs through it, cause I'm lame.

1860. Madonna - I Want You. I may have mentioned way way back in the other songposts I've done that I have some fondness for Madonna. That's a bit misleading, in a way, because I really only have fondness for one of Madonna's albums, which was the only one I had. It was the Something to Remember CD, which was apparently a ballad compilation. Which is kind of ironic, in a way, since Madonna normally had so many dancey/techno type songs, BUT HEY I GUESS I MISSED OUT ON THOSE? Anyway, I really loved this CD and practically everything on it, mostly because it was a way to vent my teenie angst about things that weren't important (although they seemed very important at the time). Even I, who has gated saw-tooth synths and four-on-the-floor beats running through my blood, has a few angsty ballads in my heart.
Anyway. I Want You is very slow and kind of sad sounding, just sort of longing. RIGHT NOW IT SEEMS LIKE A ZEX SONG, WHICH ACTUALLY MAKES IT KIND OF HILARIOUS

1861. Madonna - Crazy for You is much more upbeat than I Want You, kind of happier and with a much happier theme to it too. Basically two people having some sex in a club all :D about it. As a kid, this went completely over my head. Well no, that's not entirely true. It almost went over my head, but not quite. Why?
There's one line in it that goes "Slowly now, we begin to move/Every breath I'm deeper into you" and I was scandalized by this as a teenie, because I realized at that point this song was about sex. :O :O :O :O
But it's such a happy, cheery little song in a way, so I've always been fond of it. :B What amuses me is that I can apply these songs to pretty much anything I'm into right now. HEY THIS ONE COULD BE ABOUT ZEX TOO WHY NOT lol

1862. Madonna - This Used to be my Playground. This song is what got me into Madonna, and it's because Mom used to put it on a lot of her tapes in the car, so I heard it a lot. I thought it was pretty, so I wanted to have my own copy and she gave me the Something to Remember CD. AND SO IT BEGAN.
Anyway, this is about as depressing as a song can get. And mainstream too. It's fairly likely you've heard this somewhere at some point. AH, LOST YOUTH.

1865. Madonna - One More Chance. I used to angst to this song stupid hard as a teenie. You don't even know. It has a more Lisa Loeb-y feel to it than the other songs on the CD, which is kind of amusing. Heh.
IT'S PRETTY DEPRESSING and yet, also could be about ZEX, which again is making me crack up GOD WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME

1869. Kenna - Hell Bent. Another incredibly depressing song! You may have heard this one, since it had an insanely depressing video to go with it. I RECOMMEND WATCHING IT, SINCE IT'S REALLY PRETTY NEAT. It made an impression on me, that's for sure. Although, if i remember right, Soshi was the one who tracked the actual song down first and sent it to me, back in the Audiogalaxy days, since it's in her folder. :B

1872. Erasure - In My Arms. On a completely different note, MORE ERASURE! Sugary sweet electropop. I remember Sheena sending me this and a few other new Erasure stuff (to me anyway) all :D :D and hee. If I remember right, she said the "from magenta to bright blue" line reminded her of Zar's colors. THAT IS THE MOST MINOR DETAIL TO REMEMBER EVER HOW DO I EVEN REMEMBER THAT
thank you, music!
But In My Arms is just fluffy sweetness. I love Erasure so much. I'M SO LAME.

1873. Erasure - Reach Out is even poppier and fluffier than In My Arms. IT'S SO HARD NOT TO SMILE WHENEVER I HEAR THIS because I'm incredibly lame. HOW SWEET IS THIS SONG? SO SWEET. and so gay.

1886. Daler Mehndi - Na na na na re. Heh, more on the backstory behind Daler Mehndi for the next song, since they're weirdly out of order, but I love hindi pop as well. :O This song is crazy catchy. IT JUST HAS SUCH A FUN SOUND TO IT.

1888. Daler Mehndi - Tunak Tunak Tun. Ah, Tunak Tunak Tun. I remember my big brother sending me the link to the music video for this all "you have to see this. You have to see this now if you haven't." so I went to watch it AND IT'S AMAZING. Terrible CG, bizarre dancing, greenscreens everywhere, totally incomprehensible. YOU CAN'T GO WRONG WITH THAT. It was an internet meme for a while back in the day, if I remember right, and enough of one (I believe) that the Tunak Tunak dance it even shows up in World of Warcraft. You can probably find it on other places as well.
I have to tell you, there are few joys in the world quite like listening to this song with friends and having everyone do the Tunak Tunak dance. YOU GET REALLY INTO IT.

1894. Le Click - Tonight is the Night. This is the kind of music that dominated my childhood and early memories and I love this kind of music more than any other. CHEESY DANCE POP WITH SYNTHS AND RIDICULOUS LYRICS THAT INVOLVE EITHER NIGHT, RHYTHM, HEAT, OR DANCE, THAT IS WHAT IT'S ALL ABOUT TO ME
I really love 90s dance music so much. So very very much. I really think Starcon2 is in part responsible for this since its soundtrack was so synthy and electronic. But hey WHO KNOWS


songposts, metal gear?!

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