[Journal of a Dreamer] Christmas and New Year

Jan 02, 2014 11:18

Despite not having any interesting plans, Christmas turned out really well. We bought turkey legs on the spur of the moment while shopping for Christmas dinner on Monday, and got some spuds and vegs to go with them. I brined them and dried them Christmas morning and put them on that afternoon. Boiled the spuds for mash and did the vegs in salt water (yummy). I made some stuffing for Liam. But the part of the meal I was most proud of was the gravy. Somehow, onions fried then dusted with potato starch and stirred up with chicken stock and herbs with a touch of pan scrapings from the turkey turned into an amazing just-thick-enough brown gravy with a perfect gravy shine. And I made it from scratch with no recipe and just a little research.

Liam got me an ant farm. They're all beside me now, wandering around their tunnels, hanging out. It's a cool present - one of those things you always want, but would never buy for yourself. I got him Back to the Future Lego, which gave us the idea to watch the movies. One and two, anyway. We didn't make it to three. Along with them them, we got through How to Train your Dragon and The World's End. I enjoyed all of them. Yea. It was a very relaxing day. Quiet, but nice.

New Years wasn't quite as good. We watched Aliens, and paused it in the middle for the countdown. And while I enjoyed the movie, I'd had this sense of apathy the whole rest of the day that pulled the whole thing down. So while the last day of 2013 wasn't great, the first day (evening) of 2014 more than made up for it. Again, it was nothing special, but we got some mulled wine and played games, and I got past the bit that was annoying me in Terraria and am mad back into the game again.

I feel I should mention something about Terraria. In the first two weeks I had it, I played about 100 hours. I have no idea how this happened. Well, actually - I know exactly how it happened. It's because it's less a game and more a building program, only fun and pretty with game elements thrown in. I built a tree-house and a dragonfly airship and an apartment complex for the characters who joined me. And then I decided to build a beach house, and the commute between the tree-house and beach-house was about 5 minutes (real time) and I had to keep going back and forth to re-supply. So yea. I can see where the time went. And all this back-and-forth made me want a teleporter, but the get the teleporter I needed a certain character which would only arrive in my apartment-village if I defeated a certain bad guy, which could only be defeated in a certain game-mode (Hardmode - which could mean the destruction of everything I'd built so far) so I created a new world and made it Hardmode and had to get stuff to survive and then other stuff to fight the bad guy.... and yea. I just took a very, very long and windey time and I got annoyed at all the hoops I had to jump through just to get a teleporter. BUT. Last night I did it. I defeated The Destroyer (quite easily once I had the right gear), and the Steampunker moved in and I bought teleporters off her. And I'm a happy bunny once again. Except I think I left the lid off my lava generator, and I'm afraid I'll come back to overflowing lava (not good).

Right so. I think that's everything. We'll be home in three weeks. Can't wait.
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