Oct 29, 2007 21:44
Hello hello everyone!
Yeah, as the title says... It's been a while, hasn't it? Almost 4 months. Ooooops....
Well, I have tried to be less on the net (not succeding... or actually yes, but my msn talking makes my parents think otherwise) and I guess my lj-period kinda went over.
Now it's soon 10PM, 22.00 or whatever you want to say so I'm not going to give a proper update now either, just showing I'm alive.
But I'll tell you a few things: I have started school (of course) at the secondary school, been there for two months now. Everything is in english (except other languages ofcourse) and that's hard sometimes (biology in english is... Not good, and I'm really not looking forward to the chemistry...). I thought I was GOOD at speaking english, but I guess I was wrong. My talking is so not natural and I'm like the worst in my class at talking it. Seriously, it feels so! And I haven't seen any improvement, Well, anyways, school IS hard, we get a LOT of work to do. On friday is my first physics test in the IB. It's hard if you do not know the different... What's it called? Functions? Naah. Well like, displacement = time x velocity ...
Well anyways (blame my new english teacher for that phrase), I'm all right, feeling well. Soon it's christmas! Only 8 weeks left! And then 1/6 of my time in IB is over! What comfort...
well at least my class is nice!
I hope you are all well! Don't really excpect me to comment on your entries... I'm just never on lj anymore so I don't comment anywhere, I am sorry...
Best wishes,