I Wrote Something Already--WHAT IS THIS MADNESS?

Sep 14, 2011 13:48

Look at me, productive! I blame packing. I will do anything to keep from organizing my socks, I swear. That apparently includes writing angsty extended metaphors, but whatever. I still haven't packed half the shirts I plan on bringing (reasons: I located shirts I'd forgotten I had, I ran out of room in my suitcase, and I might just ask my mom to mail them to me). Not for the first time am I realizing that I need to stop taking advantage of Threadless sales.

Anyway, here's a fic. I'm hoping lj isn't being a bitch with spacing again. I gave up last time 'cause it just pissed me off.

Title: This Ship Has Sailed (It Sinks Tonight)
Author: zarii
Rating: PG
Genre and/or Pairing: Dean/Cas angstfest
Spoilers: up to and including 6.22, specifically 4.01, 6.17, 6.22
Warnings: enough repetition to give an English major a headache
Word Count: 424
Summary: Call it an extended metaphor for Dean and Cas's interactions, I suppose.

This ship will sink tonight.
Nobody knows it, because it has weathered so much, and it has always come out all right. Nobody knows because it's not something they would want to think about.

The iceberg that does them in is unaware of its significance right now. Oh, certainly it is important, a habitat for all sorts of creatures, floating in the waters of the world. But it does not know what it soon will do.

The Titanic was more significant than just a time to save millions of lives and consolidate millions of souls.

There were thousands of other significant events that could have had greater impacts. The Black Plague, the Civil War, the Holocaust, the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Save lives and gain the upper hand.

The Titanic was unsinkable. They kept it that way, until Fate said it had to be sunk.

Castiel sank it.

In this warehouse, there is a ship. It's not the kind that sails on water, it's the kind that comes with "relation" in front of it.

Tonight, it will sink.

There are those who said it was unsinkable. That the ship began in Hell and endured the rise of Lucifer and the fall of an angel. That those silent moments of speaking only with eyes were times of the most important communications. That Dean prayed only to Cas, because of Cas, because one day an angel came to Dean in a barn and saw straight through him to his soul and understood the crux of Dean's being: that he did not think he deserved to be saved, that the faith of a four-year-old child being told that angels watched over him was shattered in a night of fire, that he believed good things do not happen, they only disguise the bad.

Even profound bonds can break.

Tonight, this ship will sink, because Castiel has ordered it.

Fate stands by the wall and says it must be.

This ship will sink tonight because Castiel has kept it on course for the iceberg, has taken the souls of Purgatory that floated in the waters of the world, and he is overconfident for they said it was unsinkable.

Dean takes a moment to pray to the real god and the ship hits the iceberg that nobody saw until it was too late.

This ship will sink tonight, punctured by Purgatory and the prayer of the atheists, the hope of the damned, profound bond ripped apart, destroyed by the one with the god-complex and little patience for disobedience.

In the beginning, there was nothing. Then God said, "Let there be Fate."

Tonight, they sink this ship.

turn it up to eleven, fanfic, angst, writing, fandom: spn

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