Aug 30, 2011 21:47

Okay. Screwed around with it enough. This post is about ponies and how I've been sucked back into MLP far more than any other fandom I'm currently interested in. Essentially, all my ideas for any AU fics are being given the Pony Filter.
The Pony Filter is awesome. Like, here's an idea: Um... Crap. I don't have an idea ready. OHNOWAIT. Spies. The characters are spies/secret agents/assassins/something cool like that. Insert romance or adventure and shit.

Pooooooooooooooonies! My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 2 begins in 18 days. IT WILL BE AWESOME. PONIES! I LOVE PONIES.

Hi. I'm a seven-year-old girl again. Ponies! And Derpy! Derpy is actually gonna be a character! Exclamation points! I love them! I feel like Pinkie Pie! PONIES! :D

God that image is huge.

And if you're wondering what I'm on, it's... Well, nothing. But I did have some cold medicine a couple days ago because some crazy people who were sick in August--and who gets sick in August, seriously?--got me sick because I was ignorant of the fact that I needed more sleep and also they were out to get me, I swear.
Whatever. That's not important. Ponies are. Poniesponiesponiesponiesponies. Hi.Oh wow, apparently lj has gone and done something crazy to its rich text interface. Excuse me while I screw around with this for five minutes...

mlp, i don't even know anymore, dignity lost; reward offered

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