In Which I Start to Realize I'm Titling Posts "In Which..." and Decide, "SCREW THIS, CUPCAKES!"

Jul 20, 2011 22:48

 Once upon a time, long ago this morning, I woke up and did some stuff and was almost late and screwed over, but NONE OF IT WAS MY FAULT. So there. And anyway, the key word is "almost" and the fact is that I WASN'T too late, and WASN'T screwed over, and it wasn't my fault.

The... Yeah, never mind. Fact is, I was ready and others weren't. This is why I need my own car and life right now. Not that I don't love my life at the moment. After all, I've got a crappy laptop (I have to fall back on my old term of "craptop", which was the affectionate nickname I gave to the laptop that belonged to my OTHER sister, until it finally kicked the bucket, again through no fault of my own--the hard drive could only last for so long, after all, and it had gotten screwed up beforehand), I'm getting a car, and my mom bought me cupcakes.
Okay, so she bought celebratory cupcakes to be shared, but it's 'cause I'm awesome. And it's not like the three other people currently in my house will be eating three cupcakes each, is it? So they all get one, if they want, and then I get the other nine! Brilliant, right?

Whatever. Anyway, in some fit of a sugar rush or just plain insanity--which is possible--I decided it would be awesome to photoshop cupcakes onto cool cars and airplanes. Unfortunately, I'm currently using a craptop, so there is no way for me to do so. Not that I have photoshop anyway. BUT WHO CARES, IT'S A CUPCAKE ON A P-51 MUSTANG, RIGHT? Or a Ford Mustang. We'll go with late '60s, I think. Or a Dodge Challenger. Y'all know of my love affair with Challengers, right? Those cars are downright sexy. I'd even buy a convertible one, sacrificing my cool-points and the strength of the chassis, to essentially reenact Van Halen's Panama. I'd just need a couple of guys to drool over me as I speed around a corner.

But that's not the point. I'm talking about cupcakes and big-ass vehicles. I'm talking the Cool Car and Cool Plane tropes, and hell, go ahead and put in a Cool Boat and Cool Spaceship and Cool Motorcycle and Cool Goddamn Golf Cart for all I care. THERE ARE CUPCAKES AND CARS. Best idea ever.
At least, like, right now. I'm sure I'll come back to this and wonder what the hell I was smoking.
(Answer: Just eating cupcakes.)

let's invent appropriate tags, i reject your reality&substitute my own, cars, unf, writing

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