Most vs Least

Jan 02, 2011 23:49

- Language. Where the heck are you *getting* all that? But thank goodness I can *finally* start to understand you.
- Independence. How long you can be with yourself just *doing* stuff. And it's all very meaningful stuff too. At least to you.
- Resourcefulness. It's amazing what you can do with a simple chair moved over next to everything high up in the house.

- Attitude. Where the heck did you *GET* that? How come you aren't the performing monkey we all know and love? Why do you have to bring *personality* into the equation? Why *don't* you want to do everything we tell you to do?
- So what's wrong with a clean, dry diaper anyways? Is it really that much of a hardship to squat and use your potty?
- What's with all the throwing? I know there's a certain amount of fun, and it gets a reaction, but you gotta learn the difference between game and weapon, dude.


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