La liste de mes tweets d'hier:
- 12:07 @ JillthePill Soccer, other world sports, individual sports, real food (i.e. not chain, frozen meals, Semi-Ho) are permissible, though. #
- 13:18 @ JillthePill And hot-stove baseball is OK, too. #
- 14:16 @ JillthePill Ahh, that makes much more sense. So, ESP or NED? #
- 14:19 Oh, thunderstorms over the Sierra, you mock me, being so far away and not coming this way. #
- 14:21 #FF @jeditigger just because she is an awesome person. #
- 16:31 @ kristenmchugh22 You will be happy to know that I passed on Burger King on my desperate search for late lunch because of a certain tie-in. #
- 16:38 @ kristenmchugh22 I normally don't eat fast food, but I was, comment dit-on, STARVING. #
- 16:44 @ kristenmchugh22 There are better ways to satisfy that urge (In-N-Out), but convenience led me that way. Also Burger King guy is SCARY! #
- 17:04 @ kristenmchugh22 I know, In-N-Out is reserved for those of us on the Left Coast. We do have a Chick-Fil-A. #
- 17:57 @ kristenmchugh22 That show would be jumping the shark if it hadn't already done so in the initial pitch meeting. #
- 18:10 @ kristenmchugh22 The TiFaux will be recording it later this evening. Too bad we'll be cleaning house as tomorrow new attic fan is installed. #
- 18:24 @ kristenmchugh22 Attic fan to help evacuate hot air. Whole house fan above thermostat, column of hot air makes its way down, A/C goes nuts. #
- 18:31 @ kristenmchugh22 Cleaning in a hot house is not fun. It's 95° and feels like 95%, although the weather station says it's less. Liar. #
- 21:57 Tomorrow's status tonight: waiting for the roofer or someone like him #FiresignTheatre #
- 21:59 @ nataliedaily is that list just for tonight? #
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