Apr 27, 2005 16:53
Alreet, here in my journal i feel i feel, safest of all
no j/k here you will most be seeing the following names so just giving you the 411 so you're not all confuzzeled
My love,my heart, myyyy beepbeep. She is my best friend of 5 years and counting, met her in 6-7th grade and yup. Stoner extrodinare, with the wisdom of a 8790 year old goat with wings made of popcorn. She is in fact the most beautiful(end of story). ;D
My other bestest friend right under nora. Been such for two years. He is indeed a male and we indeed do fight A LOT. He's a sweetie pookie snuggle bum, with an italian temper that is hair triggered. I love him muches even if he will not stop pinching my cheeks especially when i'm trying to sleep. :: eye twitch ::
Oni/Chiyo Oni/Pwnball- Meh Puppy doog =^.^=
Osiris-My baby california kingsnake given to me by Alex.
Denaro-My big azz gopher snake, also from Alex.
Julie-My online friend/beta/brain. She is massive smart, massive pretty, and a complete pyscho ward escapiee.
Eli-bassiest of Abstract
Chris-drummer of Abstract
Amanda- ... Uhm...better leave this blank
Jan-my Grandmama
Oddie-ME!!!!!!!!!!! (o-dee)