Ossetia by Rossi (made in USA)

Jun 13, 2012 16:09

Американцы говорят о Южной Осетии) В конце поста прочитайте на английском, а перевод звучит так:
"В качестве метафоры для свой песни мы использовали борьбу Южной Осетии за независимость. Мы восхищены историей и культурой Восточной Европы".

Песню слушаем здесь

oh, i've been buried in the days
a silent noise i've stowed away
we'll trade our lies to keep it laced
with a love so fake our hearts
have gone to waste
and the hunted never wait
these lungs they fold under the weight
of this mess we've made


it's not enough to pull me from the dark
pretending perfect ends before it starts
losing love in wars we've never fought

i'm awake sometimes
if this is all i see, i can't see far
far enough to pull me from the dark
confusing what could be for what we are
i'm awake sometimes

i can never be
the tide that won't return


it's not enough to pull me from the dark
pretending perfect ends before it starts
losing love in wars we've never fought
i'm awake sometimes
if this is all i see, i can't see far
far enough to pull me from the dark
confusing what could be for what we are
i'm awake sometimes

i'm awake sometimeswritten by: thom donovan & kendall morgan


Музыка, Южная Осетия

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