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Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 19 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 19 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you, or I just needed to tag more people to get to the 19 needed.
1. It's old news by now but I still can't get over the fact that Megumi and Nago actually got together in Kiva. Gone are the days when I thought, why am I the only one who see the potential in these two? Now it's more like, IN YOUR FACE NON-BELIEVERS!!!
2. Despite knowing that most of its content are loads of crap, WIKIPEDIA is still my number one source - especially when it comes to shows I'm interested in.
3. When I go online, I usually open two or three tabs - one for LJ, Wikipedia, and my mail.
4. I still want to be a writer damn it!
5. I actually regret the fact that I lack the skills to be a good teacher. Classroom discipline WTF. It seems I really can't scold a child no matter how much I want to!
6. I've been jobless for nearly a year now.
7. I just downloaded a Maskman Song Collection and learned that I downloaded the wrong folder :( I just wanted the "TEN EYES" song, gadamit!!!
8. I graduated Cum Laude in college, but I don't think that equates to being supremely intelligent, because I'm not. I fear that these two words in my resume would have people forming expectations I cannot possibly meet.
9. Day by day, I feel like my interest in Draco/Hermione and Harry Potter in general is just decreasing to the point that I no longer list the dhr communities in my flist. I still love the people I met through that ship, of course!
10. I think the day I realized I no longer ship DHR as crazily as I used to was the day I found out that it would actually take me forever to churn out a CRAPLOAD OF CRAP I passed as a fic in a recent exchange. Really,
derryere, I'm sorry if you read that fic I wrote for you there. Mwehe.
11. I'm going to the States in March! Yowza!
12. I'm scared of actually giving birth, so I'm planning on having someone else to carry my baby for me.
13.My RL friends have scarcely seen me since March last year, to the point where they demand "WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO SHOW YOUR FACE TO US???" The answer? I don't know. Ha.
14. I really, really, really hate the guy who owes me money. It seems he has no plans of paying me back, EVAR. Grr.
15. I will always regret the fact that Cordelia died in Angel. WHY JOSS WHY?????
16. I'm obsessed with sentai and toku shows. JAPANESE PEOPLE WHY ARE YOU SO TALENTED???
17. I have tons of Japanese songs I sing everyday. I know their lyrics by heart but I have no idea what these words mean, so I end up singing songs I don't even understand.
18. On that note, I want to learn Japanese but am too lazy to learn how to write and read it. Can't I just speak it? Mwahaha.
19. I seriously love cats. LOLCats, anyone?
pips_n_chiaw (Pippa! Chiara! I will count you guys separately hehehe),