What's gotten into me?

Apr 08, 2004 11:24

This morning, I was all about cleaning. I used up the rest of the dry Swiffer sheets "dusting" the floor...and I need more. I still have to swiffer both bathrooms, the hallway, computer room and our bedroom. That'll take at least 2 more boxes. Neither the PX nor the Shoppete has any, and I really really don't feel like driving to Wal-Mart to get them, since Wal-Mart's off post, and across town and it's always crammed. *sigh* I do need to clean the oven though, after last night's mishap with the Brisket I made...juice and sauce everywhere...inside the oven's the worst part. That, and I have to de-calcify my coffee maker because it's turning out coffee that's awful!

Can we call me...Mrs. Clean?
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