Recs and Beta Request

Jan 17, 2011 20:43

Last week had me running from place to place (and I don’t mean the two times I managed to actually go running, like, in the forest and with running shoes) with barely enough time to catch my breath, not enough time to write and even less time to read. So the following H50 recs are quick and rough, but they’re good!

  • sheafrotherdon: Afterthought: Beautiful tag to 1x13.
    >> If Steve looks at it right, the photo of his mother's bombed out car loses meaning - it's just metal and torched paint and a ragged hole where the hood should've been, and there's no hint that someone was behind the wheel. <<
  • stillane - Make a Move ('Cause I Ain't Got All Night): Perfect balance between humor and serious business, and Steve as seen through Danny's eyes is wonderful.
    >> Danny is about 80% certain that there are deep waters buried somewhere in there. <<
  • lamardeuse - Motive and Method: Cliché fic how it should be done!
    >> Your standard undercover-in-a-gay-bar cliché, complete with fellatio.<<
  • thehoyden: Down the Shore Everything's All Right: The characters in this are spot-on, and it's lovely and understated.
    >>There's a better than average chance that Danny is getting crazier by association -- and he wouldn't change it for the world (although he could do without the head injuries, thanks).<<
Also, despite my previous complaints just before about lack of time: WriteOrDie is the tool from hell that made me finish the Surfer AU I babbled about earlier. It’s 15’000 words, so I don’t want to just dump it on the lovely usual suspects because then they might feel obliged - that is to say, anyone up for checking my surfing lingo or Ameri-picking a story that is kind of like canon, except Steve and Mary own a surf shop? It might serve as a warning or an incentive, depending on your point of view, that it contains the longest blow job scene I have ever written. I think.

(Whee, new episode tonight! Guess who's excited?)

h50&recs, h50

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