Merlin Fic: Radiant Under Every Sort of Light, Chapter 1

Aug 16, 2009 19:32

Merlin/Arthur (additional background pairings)
Length: ~55’000 words overall (~7’400 for this chapter)

Thanks: Not only did inderpal willingly listen to my ramblings (on the train, on the roof, everywhere), no, she also helped me figure out some important issues that will come into play in later chapters. Also, she tells me she’s moving in and ( Read more... )

fic, merlin, merlin&fic

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Comments 100

eosrose August 16 2009, 18:03:28 UTC
This is exciting! ♥


zarah5 August 16 2009, 19:04:17 UTC
Why thank you! (I blame it all on my love for circuses.)


eosrose August 16 2009, 19:13:46 UTC
It's been forever since I've seen the circus, but I remember it fondly. Though the version I saw was always a little too child-oriented. I like a show that assumes the audience has a modicum of intelligence. *sighs*

I didn't mention, but I love how Arthur assumed Merlin was a groupie and was more than happy to appease Merlin's desire for his body. I hope you have Arthur continuing to be his flirtatious, incorrigible self for the duration. It's too much fun!


zarah5 August 17 2009, 05:06:57 UTC
I agree, a lot of circuses have too many show elements directed at kids. I'm not too fond of clowns, for instance - as you said, they're quite often somewhat, uh. Silly? Childish? Imbecile?

(Actually, for this story I'm pretending the Cirque du Soleil doesn't exist.)

Arthur will totally continue to flirt in a devil-may-care kind of way. Because I like him like that! *g* And have I mentioned: Thank you?


needed_beauty August 16 2009, 18:03:47 UTC

I love this!
Just the thought of a circus au is enough to have me squealing, but to have you write one is like heaven!
I've stalked your patd stories and nearly worshiped them and I'm so so so glad that you're writing in this fandom too!


p.s really looking forward to the next chapter!


zarah5 August 16 2009, 19:05:51 UTC
I am so happy someone agrees with me about the sheer awesome that is a Circus AU. Because there are people flying through the air! And... stuff! *flaps hands*

Uh, point is, thank you so very much! I'm very flattered. (And I will probably post the next chapter, uh, Thursday? Possible. I won't be at home, so it partly depends on my internet connection.)


luisadeza August 16 2009, 18:31:41 UTC
Oh, I love this so far! Very promising, can't wait to see where you're taking it!


zarah5 August 16 2009, 19:06:40 UTC
Thank you! There will be misunderstandings! And stuff! And things! probably didn't want that many details did you? *g*


justhush August 16 2009, 18:45:44 UTC
*flaps hands around*


zarah5 August 16 2009, 19:07:04 UTC
I counter your awesome icon with my new frog love.


srin August 16 2009, 18:49:05 UTC
I'm definitely intrigued! Looking forward to more.


zarah5 August 16 2009, 19:08:11 UTC
Thank you very much! I should be able to post the next chapter mid-next week. (Slightly depends on the internet connection of where I'm going to be at that time.) It only needs a few small edits, so. *smiles*


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