Dec 12, 2009 06:15
There is nothing like getting snowed in ta get ya thinking about things.
Mostly I thought about how we all punish ourselves.
Mostly I punish myself about accomplishment and productivity.
I look at how much harder I worked to support a child and give them what they need and stuggles I faced. Also mushed about the changes because of that experience.
Being snowed in, left nowhere to go and little contact with the outside world.
I reflected on how easy it was to just be and enjoy, when I was younger and to sink into that and enjoy just being.
Being snowed in left me with just hanging out, doing whatever I wanted enjoying the winter wonderland. I'm not saying we have to do nothing-survival causes us to always be doing -moving forward and for me feeling restless if I am nt accomplishing.
I thought about how many people have led what we might call insignificant lives and how those lives may have been well lived.
Ha, i am very grateful for beig snowed in......for showing me that there is down time. That I do not have to evaluate myself by any standard that being and living is enough and that loving and receiving love is of course the best.
That doesn't mean avoiding the things that will help me and others survive, just means there is a balance.