Blue, Blue, Blue.........!

Nov 06, 2009 08:31

Blue used to be my favorite color as a child.....aqua to be exact.....but everyone around me said blue.....then it was peri-inkle blue and then purple....but todsy I like the russets, deep wine and orange......but today I am just blue-blue-blue.
I am thinking of the problems people have....the suffering.....and the overcast sky. The trees are turning fast and our little haven is fastly turning color. A full spectrum.
I have things to do but no motivation yet.
It's cold and grey.
I have much to be thankful for, I am well...I am in a nice house....I am warm.....I have water.....why do I always think about what I don't have.
I don't have a job.
Now i look out there and there are young kids out there with jobs...there are drunks with jobs...there are assholes with jobs .....there are drug adits with jobs.
I also think about all the experience I have and think that should be useful to someone or a group or......
Unemployment is up again and the year is winding down to a hault and there is no Chistmas cheer.......I'm blue.
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