Big Bang...

Apr 23, 2016 11:18

Who is Big Banging this year?

I've seen a few posts from people lamenting their lack of progress, which is comforting to me as I've really struggled with my Big Bang this year. It has fought me every step of the way!

You wanted lighthearted and fun? Ha, says the muse I'm only gonna do serious and angsty this year! :(  I tell you, it's like the two of us are trying to control the one steering wheel, me trying to turn us down the fun path and the muse trying to turn us down the serious path.

Anyhoo, I'm currently sitting at 18,500 words and yesterday I took a pair of scissors to my outline, cut out a whole subplot, made over the main plot ever so slightly and now...I'm confident that I can finish a (very) rough draft by the deadline!

(Metrics visual snagged from Firesign10...isn't it cool?)

How are all the rest of you Big Bangers feeling about your piece? Will you make deadline? Are your characters behaving themselves? Is your muse being fickle and annoying like mine?  And have all you artists got in mind the kind of piece you want to art for this year? Claims are fast approaching!

spn_j2 big bang, miscellaneous, chit chat

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