Spring fling is in the air...

Feb 27, 2016 15:54

Eek! I just did something really naughty. I signed up for SPN Spring Fling again. And I really shouldn't have, what with spnmeanttobe and Big Bang to work on! I just...couldn't resist. It was so much fun last year.

So if anyone else is feeling naughty too...


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spnspringfling, pimping, chit chat

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Comments 10

milly_gal February 27 2016, 11:08:53 UTC
I got sucked in by the naughty too!! :D


zara_zee February 27 2016, 11:48:31 UTC
It's hard to resist!


milly_gal February 27 2016, 11:50:10 UTC
It really IS!! That will be the 9th challenge I've been involved in this year and it's only the end of feb O_O LOL!


zara_zee February 27 2016, 11:54:16 UTC
NINE!!!!! Omigosh. I thought I'd gone overboard at four, but that's...wow. Impressive. :D


madebyme_x February 27 2016, 19:01:24 UTC
\o/ I'm feeling naughty too! Just got to think up some prompts!


zara_zee February 28 2016, 02:15:32 UTC
Excellent! The wider, more open to interpretation the better with this challenge, so they can be quite vague prompts. :D


madebyme_x February 28 2016, 14:04:05 UTC
Absolutely! I think I'll dig out some prompts from past years; I've seen a couple on the sign up post that were similar to things I was going to prompt, so I'll see if I think of something different. I can't wait - I love this challenge, it's so much fun!!!


amberdreams February 27 2016, 20:44:21 UTC
Springfling is one of my fave challenges, I couldn't NOT sign up! Glad you have too :D


zara_zee February 28 2016, 02:16:45 UTC
It was a lot of fun last year (my first year!). And it makes me not waffle because there's a word limit!


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