Fic: Today could be the worst day of your life (10.23 episode coda)

May 23, 2015 17:21

To be honest, I'm still processing the finale. I'm hoping that reading everyone's codas will help with that!
[Spoiler (click to open)]I'm excited about Rowena's storyline. Perplexed by the Darkness and the 'death' of Death. Cautiously optimistic that the boys appear to be together and on the same page and that S11 will see them as a united front and I thought Jared and Read more... )

episode coda, s10, death, pg-13, spoilers, dean winchester, sam winchester

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Comments 21

frozen_delight May 23 2015, 08:01:53 UTC
Oh I'm going to miss your tags so much! All of them have been so amazing to read, and this one is no exception.

I loved the three different POVs, especially Death's at the end. And I am so happy that you brought up the S5 finale, because it's one of my favourite things about the Carver era how they keep revisiting that one big trauma over and over, and can never seem to come to terms with it.

Finally, this passage made me all teary-eyed:
Your greatest hits list has changed a lot since Roy and Walt shot you both and you know that a memory avatar of Dean will be with you in your heaven. It won’t be quite as good as having the real man beside you, but if Dean’s going to be spending eternity on the dark side of the moon, it’s the best you’re going to get.
Between this and "Sammy, close your ideas", I don't think I'll ever be okay again. Somebody hold me please...


zara_zee May 23 2015, 11:50:34 UTC
Oh God, Jared just killed me in that scene when he fought with Dean and then gave in and said, okay, do it. I even got a little teary-eyed writing it!

I'm so glad you enjoyed this! I'm gonna miss your tags too (I haven't read the last one yet...wanted to get mine done before I read anyone else's!). It has been so much fun.

Are you doing SummerGen this year?


freya922 May 23 2015, 10:17:42 UTC
That was freaking amazing. There was so much staggering emotion in the latter half of the finale, so much new myth, and so much Story, I need to watch it a bunch more to absorb it all. This fic beautifully explores what was going on inside our characters' hearts and minds in those jam packed moments - so good and bringing me to tears all over again.

BTW, I also thought "no wonder Jared is exhausted." Holy cow - what a performance! Outlander is pushing hard for Emmys for its cast. It frustrates me so much that our boys won't get the recognition they deserve.


zara_zee May 23 2015, 11:56:30 UTC
Thank you so much! :)

Firstly, yes, it's an absolute travesty that our boys are unlikely to get Emmys. Their performances are often absolutely outstanding and the lack of recognition is painful.

And you're so right, so much emotion, so much new myth, so much storytelling. I'm still absorbing. I'm so glad you enjoyed my attempts to process! ♥


anactoria May 23 2015, 11:39:58 UTC
I love this -- especially Death's POV at the end.


zara_zee May 23 2015, 11:59:28 UTC
Thank you! Like most of us, I was pretty gobsmacked by Death's apparent death. I do wonder how that will play out next season. :)


borgmama1of5 May 23 2015, 15:36:48 UTC
Brilliantly adds to what we saw on screen!


zara_zee May 24 2015, 02:47:59 UTC
Thank you! ♥


madebyme_x May 23 2015, 18:31:24 UTC
Such a rich and fulling fic!! I love how you revisited specific scenes, with specific characters, and just gave each one that little extra to make them shine ever brighter. The end section with Death was wonderful (I'm not convinced he's dead either, but either way I'm sure they'll be some sort of repercussions - and that's all kind of intriguing!)

The scenes between Sam and Dean were epic, and I love Show so hard for giving us these moments and those little lines that ignite fandom feels ("Close you eyes, Sammy" and "You'll never, ever hear me say that you--the real you is anything but good") And yes, I too can understand why JP is so exhausted. Such powerful scenes.

I've had a few days to soak in flist reactions, and it's simply sky-rocketed my own excitement for next season. There's so many stories to tell, characters to explore, and so much potential and possibility - I can't wait!

Thank you so much for all your fics, it's been a pleasure to read them. Take care, :)


zara_zee May 24 2015, 02:55:20 UTC
Thank you so much. ♥ Those were the scenes that stood out to me. The 'close your eyes' scene for obvious reasons, but the start, with Dean hungover, telling himself 'he's good'...a different meaning to the way Sam was using it later, but it just resonated, thematically. And Death. I was so shocked! My immediate reaction was to can't kill death!!! I can't wait to see how they're going to deal with that.

So glad you've enjoyed the fics. It's been so much fun writing them! :)


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