Fic: Here be dra--wyvern (Jared/Jensen, R)

Mar 31, 2015 19:05

Title: Here be dragons wyvern
Author: zara_zee
Beta: Unbeta'd
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: R
Wordcount: 2,500
Warnings: Some m/m stuff

Summary: Jensen meets Jared on top of a remote mountain. The man is a little strange and really under-provisioned for a day hike, but he is wearing tight black leather pants and he's flirting none too sublty, and did Jensen mention the tight black leather pants?

Written for 2015 spnspringfling for fiercelynormal's prompts: Here be dragons and Take a chance on me.

Notes: This was my first time doing this challenge and when I signed up, I browsed the other signups, looked at their prompts and thought to myself, Oooooh! Here be dragons. Wouldn't that be an awesome prompt to get? When I got that prompt, I have to be honest, there was squeeing and squealing and rolling around on my bed kicking my legs in a most undignified fashion. And then my muse got so excited that sticking to the 2,500 word limit was HARD. So hard. Sigh. Anyway, I had heaps of fun. Plus...dragons wyvern! :D


Jensen carried a bucket of Yukon River water inside and added it to the boiling water in the kitchen trough. He began washing the lunch dishes and wondered idly what his college buddies were doing on their summer vacations.

A deep, grumpy voice called out to him and Jensen sighed and went to see what his bed-ridden grandfather wanted.

Jensen honestly didn’t mind spending his summer break caring for his grandfather. He’d always been close to the eccentric old man; Grandpa had even been the first person Jensen came out to.

They were a lot alike too; both of them were 6ft tall, had short brown hair, full lips and vivid green eyes. Jensen also shared Joseph Ackles’s adventurous spirit and his love of hiking and climbing. When Joseph had decided to move back to his native Yukon despite being sixty-four and having no family there, only Jensen had understood.

Joseph lived in an isolated log cabin, not far from Tombstone Territorial Park, and Jensen thought it was pretty cool to live off the grid; to have to be self-reliant in a way that most people weren’t any more.

The area was devoid of both cell towers and telephone lines, which meant they were somewhat cut off from civilization, although Grandpa did have a satellite phone for emergencies. At $2.00 a minute, Jensen wasn’t going to call his friends on it, though. Especially now that Grandpa was out of work for the summer tourist season.

One of the hikers in Grandpa’s last tour group had slipped in the scree going over Glissade Pass and bowled him over. The resulting fall broke both Grandpa’s legs and he’d had to be helicoptered off the mountain.

“I dropped my damn book on the floor!” Grandpa grumbled, when Jensen appeared.

The book had fallen face-down on the floor and Jensen bent to pick it up.

Grandpa scowled. “This invalid business is so Goddamn frustrating!”

“Yeah, I bet,” Jensen reached under the bed for the piece of paper Grandpa had been using as a bookmark and picked that up too.

He was immediately captivated by what looked like a very old map of the area. The paper was heavy and yellowed with age and the tea-colored lines and contours of the map were thick, as if they’d been drawn with a calligraphy pen. It reminded Jensen of the map inside the front cover of The Hobbit. It even had a picture of a dragon hovering above, not the Lonely Mountain, but Tombstone Mountain, which, now that Jensen thought about it, actually sounded like something out of a Tolkien book.

Jensen absently stroked a finger over the dragon; and then sat back on his haunches, his mouth falling open, when it began to glow a bright, fiery orange. Jensen shook his head and when he looked back at the map, the dragon was no longer glowing. It must’ve been a trick of the light. Jensen snorted softly.

“Here be dragons.” He read the small, fancy script beside the picture out loud and shook his head again at the way his imagination had run away with him.

“What did you say?”

Jensen looked up at his grandfather. The old man was ashen and Jensen scrambled to his feet and handed him the book.

“You okay, Grandpa? You need some more painkillers?”

The old man shook his head. “I’m fine. I just thought … What did you say? Here be…?”

Jensen frowned. “Here be dragons. It’s written here. It’s something the old map makers used to put when the area hadn’t been explored and they didn’t know what was out there.”

Jensen’s grandfather snorted and Jensen thought the old man’s eyes looked suspiciously bright.

“So that’s a map, you’ve got in your hands?”

Jensen peered at his grandfather and frowned. “Uh, yes? A really old one, by the looks of it.”

Joseph Ackles, who was about as unsentimental as they come, appeared to be fighting back tears.

“Is everything okay, Grandpa?”

The old man smiled sadly. “We’ll see,” he said.


Jensen loved this part of the Yukon. It was like the land time forgot, all jagged black granite pinnacles, hidden valleys and deep crystal lakes.

The air smelled amazing; crisp and clean and fresh.

In Fall everything in the tundra took on a stunning burnt-orange hue, but in summer it was a patchwork of color, with red, pink, purple, yellow and white wildflowers dotted throughout the green summer grass.

As Jensen headed carefully across the spongy summer grass, he felt as if he’d stepped back in time ten thousand years. All he needed now was for a herd of steppe bison or woolly mammoths to come running along.

The sky was blue, butterflies and bees were dancing in the carpet of flowers, and off in the distance a large bird-possibly a golden eagle-was circling. Jensen found himself whistling quietly and he was suddenly very glad that his Grandpa had insisted he take a day off.

“Looking after a bed-ridden old man is a Hell of a way to spend your summer vacation,” he’d said. “Why don’t you go and hike to Rake Mountain tomorrow?”

Jensen had been reluctant to leave his grandfather, but the old man had been insistent. Unusually so. In fact, he’d been pretty weird ever since Jensen had looked at that old map.

Jensen watched as a large flock of buzzards came screeching across the sky, frightened away from the mountain by the circling eagle. Which, Jensen cocked his head, was really, really big.

Jensen stared at the large, dark-colored creature in flight and his jaw dropped.

That couldn’t possibly be a bird. It had to be some sort of light plane that was decorated to look like a… look like a…


Nothing mechanical moved that fluidly.

Jensen started running, which was really hard to do on the soft spongy soil of the tundra. He needed to get closer to that... UFO. Because it couldn’t possibly be what it looked like.

Half an hour later Jensen was making his way up Rake Mountain. He’d lost sight of the…whatever it was, but he was hopeful that when he made it to the summit, the 360 degree view he’d have of the mountains and the tundra would allow him to see where it had gone.

An hour later, Jensen was standing on the rocky peak looking around. On the far side of the peak a hiker dressed in black leather was sitting looking out over the valley, but Jensen couldn’t see any sort of large flying creature and he was a little disappointed.

Jensen wondered if the other hiker had seen the…whatever, so he went across to where he was sitting and said, “Great view, huh?”

The man turned and stared at him, eyes wide and startled. He stared at Jensen for so long that Jensen started to think that he didn’t speak English.

“Yes,” the man said eventually, his eyes raking over Jensen. “Great view.”

Jensen’s eyes widened. Was that a come on? Was the man flirting?

“So listen,” Jensen said. “You didn’t see a really large…like really, really giant bird flying around here did you?”

For a moment Jensen thought the man looked vaguely insulted and then he grinned.

“Nope,” he said. He dusted his hands on his pants and stood up.

And wow. Tall. Really tall. A good six and a half foot. Also? Tight black leather pants. Jensen felt a stab of lust and his brain may have gone slightly offline.

A hand waved in front of his face. “Hello?”

Jensen blinked. “Sorry? You were saying?”

The man stuck his hand out. “I’m Jared.”

“Oh. Right. Jensen.”

Jared had shaggy brown hair and dimples and he held Jensen’s hand for too long. Definitely flirting. Jensen smiled. He hadn’t been fucked in months and Jared was just his type.

“You’re related to Joseph Ackles,” Jared said suddenly.

“You know my grandfather?”

“Grandfather?” Jared looked surprised. “Yes.”

“So you’re a local?”

Jared nodded.

It wasn’t really surprising that Jared knew Jensen’s grandpa. There weren’t many people living out here in the Yukon wilds; even the nearest major city, Dawson, only had a couple thousand people, and that was a good two hour drive away.

“Do you work in the tourist industry?” Jensen asked.

Jared inclined his head and stared unblinkingly at Jensen.

“No,” he said. “My family lives a traditional lifestyle.”

Jensen’s eyebrows raised in surprise. What ‘tradition’ was Jared talking about? Was he some sort of completely-off-the-grid, back-to-nature bushman? The head-to-toe black leather suggested not. Maybe he was one of the area’s First Nations people?

Before Jensen could ask, Jared tilted his head again and said, “No, I am not of the Tr’ondÎk HwÎch’in people.”

That was freaky; almost like he’d read Jensen’s mind. Jared was getting more intriguing by the minute.

Jensen took his back pack off and dropped it at his feet before rifling through it and pulling out a water flask and a sandwich. He sat down on the rocky outcrop overlooking the valley and was pleased when Jared sat down beside him. He suddenly realized that Jared didn’t have a pack with him.

“Are you camping near here?” he asked.

Jared shook his head and Jensen frowned. The man was very under-provisioned for a day hike. Jensen dug in his pack and pulled out an apple, which he offered to Jared.

Jared wrinkled his nose. “No thank you.”

Jensen ate in silence, shooting occasional sideways glances at Jared who was staring at him with frank admiration. Jensen couldn’t believe he’d been lucky enough to meet a potential hook-up on top of a remote mountain. He cleared his throat. “So, I might go around that peak,” he pointed, “and see if I can find that bird I was talking about. It was huge, man, and…” his voice dried up in the face of the intensity in Jared’s eyes.

“Are you sure,” Jared said, “that it was a bird?”

Jared’s eyes had an almost golden glow to them and Jensen swallowed and shook his head. “If the idea wasn’t completely insane,” he found himself confessing, “I would’ve said I’d seen a dragon.”

Jared’s eyes lit up momentarily and then he sighed and his brow furrowed. “People always say dragon,” he complained. “We’re actually wyvern. Two legs, two wings, and a brain. Dragons have four legs and they’re not smart like us. More like animals. And they can’t shapeshift into human form, either.”

Dammit. Jared was hot and sexy and apparently crazy. So much for hooking up.

Jensen smiled carefully. “Okay,” he said. “I think I’ll get going now. Nice to meet you.”

He stood up and began to shoulder his pack.

Jared sighed. “The fact that you can see us makes you special, Jensen. Joseph can see us too. Most humans can’t.”

Jensen stopped.

Grandpa had been acting strange ever since Jensen found the map with the dragon; Jensen thought he’d seen a dragon; and now Jared claimed to be some sort of dragon. This was all just…too much weird.

Jensen dropped his pack. “What the actual fuck?” he said. Not, perhaps, his most eloquent pronouncement, but he thought it summed up his feelings rather nicely.

“You’re both wyvern-kind,” Jared said. “You have wyvern blood in you. Not enough to enable transformation to wyvern-form, but enough so that you could be a wyvern-mate.”

He took a step forward and put his hands on Jensen’s shoulders, his eyes piercing Jensen’s so intensely that Jensen was rooted to the spot. And also horny again. Jared was seriously hot.

“Wyvern-kind and wyvern do not meet by accident,” Jared said. He leaned in and nuzzled at Jensen’s neck and Jensen went from half-mast to need-to-come-right-the-fuck-now. He may possibly have whimpered when Jared pulled away.

“You smell like mate,” Jared said.

Jensen stared at the impressive bulge in Jared’s tight black leather pants and tried really hard to get his brain to re-engage. This ‘mates’ business sounded like something he should pay attention to.

“Would you like to ride me?” Jared said and Jensen groaned and bit down on his tongue to stop himself from saying, God yes, I want to tear your pants off and then work myself down on that impressive cock you’re packing.

Jared grinned. “Ride on my back in flight,” he said. “Although I would enjoy the scenario you just imagined a great deal.”

Jensen wondered if you could blush so much that you spontaneously combusted.

While he was wondering that, Jared turned into a fierce-looking black dragon.

Jared huffed.

Wyvern. Right.

The transformation had happened so fast, Jensen hadn’t even seen it. One minute there’d been a man standing beside him, the next a dra- wyvern.

Jared pointed at his back with his tail and Jensen climbed on. Feeling just a little surreal, he squeezed his thighs around Jared’s broad back and held onto the raised ridges at the base of his neck.

Jared roared and soared into the air and Jensen experienced a brief moment of terror before elation kicked in and he whooped, his heart pounding with furious joy.

Jared flew fast and Jensen had to close his watering eyes against the wind. He leaned down close to Jared’s neck and suddenly he was looking out of Jared’s eyes, seeing the black-tipped mountains rolling below them as the wyvern saw them; feeling Jared inside his head; feeling himself inside Jared’s; feeling that they were one. Jensen had never felt more alive, or more loved.

They flew for hours and Jensen never wanted to stop. Eventually, though, Jared swooped out of the sky like a diving bird-of-prey and landed on a cliff ledge before a large cave.

He changed forms and pulled Jensen into the comfortable-looking, furnished cave.

“This is my home,” he said. “It can be yours too.”

Jensen wondered if a dragon had offered his grandfather a cave.

“Or we could get a cabin,” Jared said when Jensen remained silent. “The mind-bond tells me that you are truly my mate and I hope that you will take a chance on me, but it’s your choice.”

Jensen wrapped his arms around Jared’s waist and pulled him close.

“How about we get a cabin and keep the cave for weekends away?”

Jared’s eyes lit up. “Yeah?”

“Yeah,” Jensen looked up from beneath his eyelashes and Jared’s eyes darkened immediately. He dipped his head and claimed Jensen’s mouth with a soft, warm kiss that soon became harder and more possessive. He licked at the seams of Jensen’s mouth and when Jensen parted his lips with a moan, Jared thrust inside. He cupped Jensen’s ass with his big hands, squeezing the firm globes and pulling Jensen flush against his swollen cock. Jensen rutted helplessly against him, almost out of his mind with need and desire.

Twenty-four hours ago Jensen had seen a map saying ‘here be dragons’, now he was about to get fucked by a dragon.

“Wyvern,” Jared grumbled.

“Whatever,” Jensen said, pulling him toward the bed.

The End

Art by Stormbrite. See Master Art Post HERE

jensen/jared, prompt fic, spnspringfling, rated r, au, mates, jared padalecki, wyrven, jensen ackles, fan fic, j2 rps, rps, here be dra--wyrven, shapeshifting

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