Loved it. Loved it so hard. I still tear up every time I watch it. Which meant I struggled to write something for it, because I wanted to leave it all alone and untouched in its perfection. But then...poncho guy. I just wanted to know him a little better...
Title: You may in fact get wet on this ride
zara_zeeBeta: Not beta’d
Genre(s): Episode coda
Rating: PG-13, Gen
Spoilers: Episode 10.05
Warnings: Dr Who references. Orphan Black references. Outsider POV
Word Count: ~900
Disclaimer: Not mine, just playing in the sand box.
Summary: Poncho guy watches his sister’s play.
“But Mom!” Will throws his X-box controller down on the floor and curses the fact that his 16-year-old voice box still, still always seems to let him down at crucial moments. He clears his throat and tries not to sound like a whiny pre-teen. “I just don’t see why I have to go. It’s not even a real play!”
His mom frowns, her hands going to her hips. “William James Thompson! Your sister wrote this play! She spent months slaving away at her computer, late into the night, every night, so I… what’s so funny?”
“Slaving away late at night. Yeah right,” Will rolls his eyes. “She was ‘working on her play’," he makes air quotes with his fingers beside his head. “Sure. That’s what she was doing. Coughreadingfanfictiononlivejournalcough.”
Mom folds her arms and raises an eyebrow. “In this family, we support each other,” she says and Will can see that she’s winding herself up for one of her ‘family values’ lectures. “Lord knows it’s been hard keeping you both at private schools, even with your father’s life insurance,” she continues. “But I’ve sacrificed. I’ve scrimped and saved. I’ve gone without. And all I ask in return is that you and Marie be the best people that you’re capable of being. That you make the most of your opportunities. That you love and support each other. Is that really too much to ask?”
Will switches off his X-box and gets to his feet with a sigh. “No, it’s not.” Damn her for guilt-tripping him. She looks at him expectantly and he waves his hands, shooing her out of his bedroom. “I’ll be down in a minute.”
Mom nods. “Five minutes,” she says. “Maximum.”
So what if he was playing Call of Duty? So what if he was on a ten-kill streak? He will go and watch his sister’s stupid fan fiction play, because she does always have his back, no matter what. When he’d first figured out that he liked boys, Marie was the one who talked him down and gave him a paper bag to breathe into. She told him that it was okay. That she loved him. That the guys at school who picked on him were morons. She introduced him to Livejournal and trusted him with her user name. When he’d first found out that Matt Smith wasn’t going to be the Doctor anymore, Marie was the one who talked him down and gave him a paper bag to breathe into. She showed him an LJ community called Super!Who, which sounded like a rock band, but wasn’t.
They used to sit up for hours discussing reality and whether or not the mind existed physically and whether there were souls, and if so, where did they reside? They’d been close. And then Marie started writing Bigbangs and her stupid play and, it was as if she’d gone to Stanford and he was left at home to trail after dad. There was a gulf between them and no opportunity for him to break into her apartment in the middle of the night and ask for a beer.
Some of her stories weren’t bad though. That one with Dean and the tentacle monster was hot.
Mom eyes him critically when he gets downstairs. “Are you going like that?”
Like she can talk in her camel-colored skirt suit and orangey-red lipstick.
“What?” he says, making a show of looking himself over.
She waves a hand at him. “You’re not actually going out in the bow tie, are you?”
“What?” he repeats. And then he grins. “Bow ties are cool.”
The theater is surprisingly full. He and Mom have front row seats and Will’s heart fills with love and pride that his sister has managed to pull off something that means so much to her.
Marie comes out on stage dressed as Sam, wearing the wig she wore for her one woman Orphan Black show last year. It was a good show. It would’ve been even better if she’d let him play Felix. Marie isn’t the only one in the family with a flair for the dramatic.
“Good evening everybody,” Marie says. “Welcome to our production of Supernatural. I’m not gonna lie, it might be a full on Gallagher show up in this piece. So those of you in the front rows may want to use the ponchos we’ve provided for you under your seats. You may in fact get wet on this ride.”
Will grins. Smashing watermelons. That sounds like a promising start. This could actually be fun.
The production values are amazing. And the girls can actually sing. And that song that Castiel sings, based on the scene from the book The End where Cas says he’ll wait all night for Dean…Will isn’t gonna lie, he tears up a little at that. Marie ships Wincest-even though she was a total hypocrite and hit him and told him he was disgusting when he pointed out that it would be like the two of them doing it-anyway, it was nice of her to get so sub-texty with the Destiel.
Supernatural really has everything, Will thinks with a sigh. Life, death, resurrection, redemption. But above all it has family. Siblings who love each other. Who are there for each other, no matter what. It's... it’s epic, is what it is. Will thinks he loves his sister just a little bit more for bringing it to life like this.
And hey, that scarecrow is horrific. Awesome costume. And whoa! Marie even convinced a teacher to get up on stage! Oh wow…that guy can really take a throw. You’d think that’d hurt. Especially given how old he is.
Will reaches underneath his seat and pulls out his poncho, because it looks like it might be getting close to watermelon smashing time. And besides, his sister told him he might need it and he trusts her to always have his back.