Hugemind made the following suggestion:
"Last year we had the pre-season
Eight days of wincest free-for-all. It was really cool and awesome to have something with daily posts that made the hiatus go by faster and elicited all kinds of squee right before the new season started. So why not have a celebration of the nine seasons of SPN we have seen and at the same time use it as a (reverse) countdown to S10? Season 10 will premier on Oct 7th, so starting this Sunday (September 28th) I will post every day something about each season. Starting Sunday & S1, then it'll be Monday & S2 and so on. This way Season 9 celebration will take place on October 6th, just one day before 10x01 airs. Then October 7th will be reserved for a S10 squee post! I really hope that others will join me in the Show love. Post anything you want either for a particular episode that season or for whole season: caps, fics, recs, art, meta, drabbles, picspams, gifs - anything you like to show our fabulous Show some love. :D"
Several of my flist are doing this...and it seems fun to me so I'm joining in. I'm a little late with my Sunday post because I spent most of Sunday travelling home from a trip to Wellington, New Zealand. But it's still Sunday somewhere in the world so I'm totally counting this as my Sunday post!!
Season One
So there I was, still mourning the loss of my previous obsessions, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel when I saw a promo for a new series called Supernatural. I don't really remember the Australian promo now, and I couldn't find it on Youtube, but I knew straight away that the show was going to be my kind of thing: Saving people, hunting things, the family business; two cute guys in a gorgeous classic car; classic rock; urban legends. I was hooked. Added to which, it had that hot guy from Dark Angel in it, so, you know, I was definitely watching.
At first it was Sam who captured my heart. I mean, who can't relate to the need to pull away from family and strike out on your own? So desperately wanting normal, hiding all the ways in which he's not normal...pulled back into the world he thought he'd left behind by a tragedy...gah...oh Sammy... And of course Jared has the puppy dog eyes, and he can convincingly make his character appear both badass and incredibly vulnerable.
Dean, I thought, would be an attractive, lightly comedic, bad boy stereotype. And maybe that's what the writers envisioned to begin with, but then they cast Jensen Ackles in the role. And very few actors can get to the emotional heart of a basically-sketched character and really bring all their complexities to the surface as realistically and comprehensively as Jensen can.
It's been a real pleasure watching these characters (and actors) grow over the past nine seasons and I can't wait for Season 10.
Nine days to go...