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twnchesterangel August 7 2014, 12:55:29 UTC
Omg. *flails* The L word. Ohhhhh boys. This was sweet and steamy. Damn. How am I supposed to work? Processing insurance claims? Lol It's gonna be tough, let me tell ya. Also, I'm REALLY pouring through this. It's like I physically can not wait to read more. Damn, you're good. Jensen's SAT scores don't surprise me a bit. I loved the flower analogy. And it really struck me how Jensen was grateful that they were coming to pick him up, to keep him from being alone. You can tell being loved and cared for and worried about isn't a feeling Jensen is used to. I can't remember which chapter it was but you wrote about how Jared felt Jensen put other people's safety before his own because he didn't feel he was worth it. That is SO Dean. I mean, that paragraph described Dean Winchester to a T. And Jared and Jensen are so adorable together. They both have these big secrets they're scared or ashamed or worried to tell the other but at the same time, they're completely lost in each other, clinging together and their trust is building...it's just a beautiful thing to read. I love your Seb. I kinda feel bad for the guy. He clearly loves Jensen and Jensen trusts him, I really hope Seb doesn't let him down. Lastly, the artwork is fabulous! (I need a picture of Jensen in tight black briefs and cowboy hat in my life) Thanks so much for this! *hugs*


zara_zee August 7 2014, 13:27:38 UTC
Insurance claims? Oh man...I hope you at least get some funny ones!

Yeah, Jensen definitely isn't used to being cared about unconditionally by family. He has his friends, but his family pretty much monumentally failed him. I'm glad you liked the flower analogy, and yes, he is very like Dean in some respects!

Ah Seb. Seb is...morally ambiguous...he's not really a good guy, but, well...he does care about Jensen and...Jensen likes him.

The art is very good. If you haven't been over to Jo's (apieceofcake's) journal to tell her how awesome it is, please go! I also would love a picture of Jensen in tight black briefs and a cowboy hat! If anyone ever wants to do one, fangirls everywhere would be very grateful, I'm sure! ;)

Enjoy your day! *Hugz*


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