Fic: The first and the last (Sam/Dean, NC-17)

Aug 17, 2018 12:24

So I was having a flick through the kink-meme, as you do, thinking I'd do a short kinky fill just for the fun of it, when I came across an ABO prompt that the muse got excited about. Angst! World building! The chance to play around a bit with sexual politics in an ABO world! Yeah, the muse doesn't seem to do light hearted fun, no matter how hard I try.  She's not too good at 'short' either...

Title: The First and The Last
Author: zara_zee
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Word Count: ~14,000
Tags: m/m incest, pseudo-science, ABO Dynamics, Alpha!Sam, badass-hunter!Sam, caring-geek-boy!Sam, Omega!Dean, tough-competent!Dean, badass-hunter!Dean, angst, hurt!Dean, hormonally-messed-up!Dean, top!Sam, bottom!Dean, anal!sex, unique-biology, enema, sexism and sexist attitudes (not Sam or Dean) heat!sex, consent-is-sexy, mating, happy ending. 
A/N: This is an AU in that it is set in an A/B/O world; however, it does stick close to canon, for the most part, before diverging completely at Season 8, episode 14. I have misappropriated some Show dialogue. Credit to the writers.  The anon prompter wanted a Sam who was truly worthy of Dean’s trust, so that’s what I’ve tried to deliver.

Summary: Written for the following prompt at LJ’s spnkink-meme: John put Dean on suppressant medication even before Dean had his first heat and Dean has been on it ever since. He sees no reason to go off it, ever. A heat would be humiliating, inconvenient and unspeakably awful. Then Dean collapses for no good reason one day. At the hospital he’s eventually told that he has to go off suppressant medication completely or he will die. His body is reacting to the decades of these toxic drugs. The wonder is that he didn’t collapse sooner. Faced with the reality of having his first heat in his late 30s, there’s only one Alpha in the world he trusts to see him through it safely-Sam.


omega!dean, alpha!sam, the first and the last, unique biology, abo dynamics, enema, heat, mating

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