Apr 21, 2004 22:09
don't know where my gods damned poetry book went. makes me sad in the sad spot. it's fucking wit my flow fuckers!
so how the hell is everyone? i'd like to welcome a new friend of mine, shaun. you're pretty awesome for a guy i've known about 3 weeks. thanks for welcoming me into your community as well.
i've got msi in my ears and i'm up still. i had a grand total of 2 hours of sleep last night and i'm still awake. went to bed at 5 and woke up at 7. i was up at like 8 yesterday morning, so i should be tired. i think i'm running on sleep dep.
erik got a job today! YAAAAAYYY FOR HIM!!! (happy dance)
i feel like ranting but i am having some trouble coming up with a topic. hmmmm...
have any of you seen that new show on mtv or whatever? the one about i want a famous face? is that not the most pathetic piece of shit show you have ever seen? i mean, i know there are some severely distorted people in the u.s., but to exploit their dillusions like that...we have some severe problems as a nation. i will admit i sat last night and watched 2 episodes of the show and i couldn't believe what i saw. i'm not talking about what these people did to their bodies, it's the fact that someone thought it would be a great idea for a show to follow these people who go thru plastic surgery to make themselves look like elvis or jlo that bothers me. how invasive is that?! i know the people being altered are alright with the cameras following them throughout their recoveries and documenting their lives afterwards. cool for you man, not for me. but what about the people who watch the show? why do they care that some 19 year old had breast implants and lip enhancements to look more like pam anderson? i think this nation has become so overwhelmed by what others are doing that they don't bother to look at themselves. i will admit that to a degree i am guilty of this, but you know what, when it comes to reality tv of this magitude, i think i'm going to start teaching my 10 month old how to read. fuck letting him watch that shit. you want to watch reality tv, flip over to cnn. that's reality. reality is not throwing yourself on an island where you "really" don't live and "really" don't know how to survive in that environment, just to vote off someone who called your mom a fat ass while the cameras weren't looking. i honestly don't think this nation could handle actual reality tv. follow around the struggling single mother who was raped, impregnated, and decided she didn't believe in abortion and is now working 2 jobs, going to school, and taking care of her 18 month old with little help from family and can barely pay the bills. that woman is real. she is a good example for her child and real. she knows what has to be done and does it. and she doesn't win money at the end of the season. she isn't looking for it. fuck you people who can't pull their faces away from these so-called reality tv shows. you're just as dilluted as the people on the show. you don't know reality. here, i have a solution. give me your house, your money, your car(s), and all but 3 of your outfits, find an abandoned building, or homeless shelter, then come talk to me about your fucking reality.
sorry if this didn't make any sense. i am having trouble focusing. i just guess when i brought up wanting to rant, my digits took over and i got to typing whatever came to mind.
you guys take it easy and get good sleep
"you wicked gay but then today i think i'll be hard core, if i forget to take my medicine then i'll be sick, "