May 05, 2008 14:16
Is that he is too amazing.
I keep starting these sentences to talk about him and then... nada... he's inexpressible (ironic since he was all about expressing the inexpressible and yet appropriate since he was all about the irony).
Ok ok I can do this.
Stopping with the procrastination... in a minute... yeah
ETA: DONE!!! (with a lot of panic and desperation).
Something of a revelatory moment at the end: Eliot's 'Four Quartets' are the stationary spiritual equivalent of a labyrinth walk. I recommend for anyone who wants to try that kind of thing - read it aloud, and SLOW. Wows.
ps. So sick. My joints have decided to explode in pain. Thank goodness I have an appointment with Disabilities tomorrow...
bored bored bored bored,
my head is about to explode,