May 24, 2004 11:00
132 hair clips, 30 tuxes and dresses (one being a wedding dress), 19 sleeping bags, 14 slushies, 7 blankets, 4 glistening sweeneys or at least one on 4 occasions, 3 ping pong victories, and one ultimate dance party. Ok so i'm caving in, but at least i'm fashionably late. I did count all of the 132 hair clips that were scattered around my house though. The prom wasn't the fantastical, let me get out my copy of never ending story and compare the two, event. It was much more real than that. Jen looked exquisite especially with the garden in her hair. Thanks for doing the whole prom thing for a second time. Many a picture was taken, most of which i will never see. I still like the idea of getting action shots of us cavorting through my back woods, but the smooth will more than suffice. After reading more lj's then i should have i've come to realize that the post prom affairs were somewhat delightful for all. My house was simply a place. It held no special meaning before prom nor does it seem extraordinary right now as i sit in it, but for the 14 hours that were spent here it was a place almost unfamiliar even to myself. This just proves that it was all thirty or so of you guys who came over that made the party what it was. Well you guys and tom green. Thank you for not destroying my abode of slumber, and for making this "place" worth remembering.
I guess people had so much fun that they neglected their own belongings. So here's the list of runaway possessions. Everything turned into a baseball player.
In the one hole is a sleeping bag in a green bag with a small black pullstring. It's smooth texture adds agility and hopefully increases steals.
The second man up is a tropical bathing suit whose gossamer threads increase bat speed.
To compliment the swim suit are 3 towels that all share the third spot in the line up. Because there are three of them they have more possibility of knocking in the RBI's.
Batting in the clean up spot we have a green plaid pillow that is quite dense and full of deep ball power. Someone is truly missing a prize.
The number five man is shackleton's poker table. Good versatility.
The final hitter is definitely the smallest and most feeble player. I don't know why someone brought it to my house or why any teenage kid even had it in his/her possession. It appears to be a small 8 inch by 8 inch kitchen towel. Ridiculous
There might be more stuff but it's probably jammed behind a couch or drowning in the hot tub.
I went to D'Angelo's yesterday to visit wigga and he slipped me a cookie and some D-Pep. He owns the place after all.