Ok, so I talked to Evan today and he said he wants to take a break from DMing for a while. He offered me the seat for a bit.
However, I realize that my last term as DM did not go as well as it could have. My descriptions were scant, some of my encounters were bad (I even said "it's almost over at one point during the stupid egg-room thing), and my sessions were often uneventful (ie: the mirror quest).
So, I'm not going to assume anything. I'll merely make my proposition.
1- It'll be up to you guys as to weather you begin at lv1 or lv6 (where you currently are). You'd need to roll up new characters though. (sorry)
2- I know that both Jarret and KC have expressed interest in running a game. Fine by me, whenever you have something ready.
3- Evan doesn't want us to continue with the current campaign, as he wants to finish it later. I agree, as a little (but not all, obviosly. I take responsibility for my boring sessions) of the problem was that I didn't want to step on Evan's toes.
4- I would like, instead, to take you here:
A world of Highwaymen and Pirates. And, yes, that's a gun.
Two Handed*
Weapon Prof Damage Price Weight Group Properties
Bayonet +2 1d6 2gp 2lb Polearm*,Spear* Reach*
Weapon Prof Damage Range Price Weight Group Properties__________
Flintlock Derringer +2 1d6 10/20 35gp 2lb Firearm Off-Hand, Load Minor, **, ***
Flintlock Pistol +2 2d4 10/20 40gp 3lb Firearm Load Minor, **, ***
Weapon Prof Damage Range Price Weight Group Properties______
Blunderbuss +1 2d6 5/10 45gp 6lb Firearm Load Minor, ***
Flintlock Musket +2 1d12 20/40 50gp 8lb Firearm Load Minor, ***
Weapon Prof Damage Range Price Weight Group Properties________
Rifled Musket +2 2d6 25/50 60gp 8lb Firearm Load Minor, ***
Lead Ball(20) 1gp (Derringer, Flintlocks)
Lead Shot(20 units) 1gp (for Blunderbusses)
*When attached to a musket. Otherwise treat as a one handed light blade without reach.
**Rogues gain weapon proficiency with flintlock pistols and derringers as a class feature.
*** Can not fire alchemist's fire, alchemist's venom, or alchemist's frost
This is based on
A) A highwaymen style setting I've already developed and discussed at length with some of you. (IE: why I already had gun-stats)
B) The support for a more ebberon-y campaign voiced Friday before last.
I'd also like to throw in
Backgrounds. They're tiny little bonuses to your character, but serve to give a little extra fluff.
So, what do you guys think? Do you like the idea of a bit more 1800's esque feel? IE: flintlocks, canons, pirates, highwaymen, etc. Think 7th sea with more magic
Related news:
Wizards just released the barbarian class! (click image to get your rage on)