Dec 05, 2008 16:13
Not a whole lot of posts here the last couple months, I see. Anyone else remember the 15th anniversary of FZ's death? Are you commemorating Zappadan? See any of the ZPZ shows where they played "Billy the Mountain"? Who bought One Shot Deal? Who's excited about the upcoming Lumpy Money set?
I'm going to attempt to listen to something or another by FZ for each day of Zappadan (December 4 - 21), which shouldn't be too special a feat considering how often I listen to Zappa the rest of the year (all 400 days of it). So far I've also written two journal entries about stuff I listened to, but I don't plan on doing that every day. It could get tiresome pretty fast. But you could check out what I've put up so far and comment, should you feel like it.
Peoples, please, the silence is unbearable!