Nov 29, 2004 18:24
Great, my parents went through my pants and found my rolling papers and lighters. And i didn't even bother denying it. Then my older brother comes up and tells my parents that im a alcholic. (which is funny because he is actaully an alcholic). God damn so now my parents thing im even more of a wastecase. And they hate all my friends now, due to some wine funnelling incedents here. O well, i don't live at home anymore.
Finnally fired my rifle. Amazingly scary to fire. You don't know the power of one of those things untill you load cock and fire it. Woowewow
DRiving back to college tonight, not lookin foward to doing so. then once im there i have to worry about a 7 page paper aboutt forrest gump and its enormous impactt on society. Yeah i know im fucked.
I know i shouldn't of stayed at home, but maybe college wasn't too great of an idea either. once again god damn.
Not a funny update, but im tired of doing those. Its too worrysome trying to think of something hilarious for you people.