Sep 17, 2014 17:22
The controversy over Vapor inhalers is fast growing and the only thing so far that I've heard about them is that there is not enough research to prove or disprove that they pose a risk. Yes there are the cases where kids got a hold of them and because they are not meant for children the child became sick.
Nicotine is a powerful stimulant when ingested in high enough quantities it is fatal to even adults. There have also been cases of people falling asleep with their vapor inhaler rolling over and breaking it causing them to be exposed to a much higher concentration of the drug and being rushed to the hospital. There is also the concern that there are no regulation on the e-cigaret trade. Studies vary wildly some say they found traces of harmful substances while others say they found no such traces.
The truth is all I'm hearing is that we don't know and this could be a problem.
My opinion is keep it out of reach from your kiddos, don't fall asleep with it in your bed and please use a little common sense. Dosages are on the packages sold in most places. If the concentration is higher than stated on the packaging file a law suite for false advertising. My sister uses the Blu she's trying to quit smoking but enjoys going through the motions she's having success and is breathing easier. This seems to be consensus of the people I am talking to who've used them.
Really follow the money trail, the Government wants to tax and control them, the Tobacco Companies will need to either get on board or loose revenue.
The truth is we don't know but many reports are saying that they're safer than the cessation products out their while others are saying we don't know the long term effects and we're really scared.