Not long ago, I finished rewatching all of Joss Whedon's shows, and rather than immediately start over again, figured I would find something actually new to watch. Well, new to me.
Having an Apple TV, I decided the best thing to do was to see what Netflix has for streaming. Specifically, I was trying to figure out what pop culture I'd missed out on by generally being behind the times. And I saw several intriguing options before narrowing the choices down to Heroes, Lost, and The X-Files.
So starting earlier this month, I began watching The X-Files for the first time ever, and knowing almost nothing about it. And about halfway through season one, I decided I would actually chronicle my experience watching it. After all, I know I enjoy seeing people experience things for the first time, so I figure if someone else out there is similarly interested in that, they may want to read my thoughts on this. (Because surely there aren't enough X-Files blogs, right?)
And then last week, I created
this blog.
So if you've seen the show and want to laugh at how little I know or how wrong my expectations are (but no spoilers, please!) or if this somehow inspires you to watch it for the first time, too, feel free to head over there. I'm currently 17 episodes into season 1.