Jun 18, 2007 10:52
so, here's something I just don't get, if the Harry Potter canon is to be believed.
things we know or can be pretty sure of from the books:
1. the wizarding world has existed for well over 2000 years (Ollivander's was founded 2389 years ago)
2. Muggle-born wizards and witches are not terribly uncommon (there are at least three in Harry's year, and at least two below him, and at least two who left school well before him) and there are even two Muggle-borns from the same family (the Creevey brothers).
3. It seems that having at least one magical parent nearly guarantees being magical, since Squibs are rare, and there are an awful lot of Half-bloods.
so shouldn't the wizarding population be growing? I would think that over the course of 2000+ years, there'd be enough mixing that unless Squibs were more common than they're said to be, pretty much everyone in the world would be magical by now. or at the very least, there should be a significantly larger magical population than is indicated in the books.