Sheesh, are they trying to make me stop watching this show? You know, I liked the first half of the season. Mac wasn't in it, which was a huge minus, but the episodes were mostly good.
Now we've got
Logan being forced to hang out with an 11-year-old girl while Dick is off in Vegas with her older sister, and Logan learns life lessons from her? And when the hell did Dick become all responsible? (Not the Vegas thing, but the bit at the beginning where he let the staff in to collect their salt and pepper shakers and clean the room. I'd have thought he would have found it funny.)
But the sub-sub-plots with another murder mystery and now Veronica arrested for aiding an escape from ... the Neptune jail? WTF?! Come on. First of all, I don't see how an escape is even possible there. It's not a large place, and I doubt the kid had time to burrow through the walls.
The whole episode I just kept saying "WTF?!" often out loud, because I was so confused by the stupid plot lines they were introducing.
And what about Wallace? I mean, yeah, he's back, but for what, two minutes? And where's Mac, again?
I thought the most telling line of the episode, though, and the scariest, was Veronica telling Keith she just couldn't live without him. I feel that in TV land, that's the kiss of death. I'd be willing to bet he won't make it out of Season 3. ("Rob Thomas is not Joss Whedon. Rob Thomas is not Joss Whedon..." I must keep reminding myself of that.)
Of course, if this is all the show gets, then maybe RT will just kill everyone off at the end so there's absolutely no chance of it coming back...