Jan 20, 2009 10:13
Watched a few movies recently and figured I give them a review:
INDIANA JONES AND THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL SKULL - The movie was a typical Indy film until the end. I was really enjoying the typical adventure until they revealed a space ship with aliens - what archeologist digs for aliens? My other problem with the movie was that they were interchanging between 2 native tribes - The Mayan and the Incas. There would be Inca drawings and than out of nowhere someone would start speaking Mayan. The two civilizations lived no where near each other! Had they kept to the Inca storyline since the movie took place in Peru and in the Amazon it would have been fine, but the Mayan's were and still are in CENTRAL AMERICA and they never really ventured into South America. But, overall, with those two points stated, I did enjoy the movie. It did hold my attention and the action was good. The movie was on the level of Temple of Doom compared to the other two films. Temple of Doom was my least favorite of the triology.
NARNIA-PRINCE CASPIAN - This movie was also ok, although as most people would state - sequels are never as good as the originals, and that is especially true for this movie. The movie wasn't terrible, yet I enjoyed the first movie much more. Since I never read the books I can't really critique how it followed, if it followed the book. I guess I was confused at first and really needed to rewatch the first movie prior to watching this movie. Again, it was ok, but not my favorite.
WALL-E - Ok, I loved this movie. Some people had described the movie as preachy, which to some degree I might have to agree, but on the other hand how preachy is a movie about recycling. Don't we get preached to everyday about recycling? I thought the movie was well done with a bit of sarcastic comedy thrown in.
Book reviews:
A BROTHER'S JOURNEY - written by Richard Pelzer - I read this book in a few hours the day after Christmas and loved the book. It answered some of the my unanswered questions after reading Dave Pelzer's books, specifically about their mother and grandmother. Richard's book was not as emotional as Dave's books maybe because even though Richard was abused, he didn't write as if he was abused as harshly as Dave. But abuse is abuse no matter the degree of harshness. He did an excellent job at continuing the store where Dave had left off in the Pelzer home. He tried to explain the rationale behind their mother's abuse as well as what the neighbors saw and thought. Because of the time period this abuse occured, abuse was still a "private matter in the home" and laws had not been enacted yet regarding child abuse - at least not until 1974. The neighbors all new about the abuse happening to the children in the Pelzer home, but there was nothing they could really do unless one of the children came forward themselves, unfortunately Dave was the only one, therefore the only one removed from the home. I really enjoyed this book and would recommend it to anyone interested in learning more about domestic violence and child abuse.
A TEENAGER'S JOURNEY - by Richard Pelzer - this is a continuation of A Brother's Journey and help put a conclusion to the Pelzer family history. I read this book in a few hours as well. This was another really good book describing the abuse the Pelzer children either endured themselves or witnessed their mother doing. If you read the first book by Richard, you must continue by reading this book.
School starts next week and I am excited about going back. Seven weeks off is just too long of a break. I ordered 4 of my books off ebay or half.com and only need to purchase 2 more books which I will probably be getting at the bookstore this weekend.
I am sick of snow, I am tired of being in the house, and I am bored.
book review,