Brian very kindly humored me and spent a while this afternoon figuring out how to let my computer be a webserver to the rest of the world (shhh, don't tell Cox), so you can all come over and see my brand new journal at if you use an RSS aggregator, So. If this continues working out, I'm going to stop using livejournal to post, at least I won't be using it on a regular basis. If you want to keep reading my journal but don't want to make a separate stop at that URL every day, you will need to do a bit of tinkering.
There may be a way to set it up with livejournal so you can still see my posts on your friends page -- I encourage anyone with an interest to experiment desde
aquí and see how it goes.
The only way that I know how to do it, though, is with an RSS aggregator. A list of these fun programs is right
here. I know your first feeling when I say this is to whine about installing new software -- I felt the same way at first, believe me -- but, trust me, it's worth it. You can view all your favorite livejournals and anyone who isn't using lj but has RSS syndication (including a lot of cool political and news blogs) all in one program, and you can decide to see or not all the graphics and other frills, or just the text from site updates. Because my livejournal is linked off my webpage, I was able to get to my lj friends page in about 5 links, but it's even more efficient for me to use BottomFeeder (a decent linux aggregator with a great name).
So yeah. Please figure out a way to read my new journal if you were ever interested in reading this one. Let me know if you have trouble setting up software or putting my syndicated version in your friends page, and I'll try to help you out. Yay.