The video lection which is about the burns treatment by SCENAR device has already appeared at the ZAO OKB «RITM» official page and at Youtube channel. Professor Mr.Tarakanov tells about his experience of SCENAR appliance at combustiology by over the hundred patients examples.The theme of the video lection - «SCENAR as the skin recovery instrument of the burned patients».
The free minutes’ speech of professor Tarakanov at russian combustiologiests’ meeting attracted heightened interest of the doctors. The investigations were held at free Russian well known medical centers: at thermic injury centre of Emergency #2 in Rostov-on-Don, at the thermic injury department of Research Institute named after Dzhanelidze in Sankt-Petersburg and in Saratov at the thermic center of the 7th hospital.
SCENAR therapy was used accompanied by the traditional modes of treatment (combined therapy), as well as isolated therapy, when as well the ordinary bandaging the SCENAR treatment was applied only. The results made all the doctors involved glad, the investigations of this sphere are to be continued.
The video tutorial (in Russian) is available at: