Dec 08, 2008 12:59
As a thoughtful gamer with a family full of gamers, and a therapist who studies gaming, I would LOVE to see this film. The trailer is designed to be sensationalistic. Hentry Jenkins of MIT, huge in the game world, is actually very pro-gaming. The point would be to get people communicating about it all...pros, cons, effects on some people (pros & cons) and stop the arguing back and forth. I do wish they'd left Jack Thompson out of it as he has proven himself to be a nut (as any gamer knows), and I wish they'd included neuroscientist Marco Iacoboni from UCLA...damn, it's interesting...
Should add I spent last evening watching my spouse and sons play "Left for Dead" online (it's all an experiment for Mike - it's LIFE for the adult offspring).
Fascinates me...the whys, the experience, the effects...the complexities of how the brain interacts with electronic media...
computer games,
video games,