It's been awhile.

Apr 05, 2010 13:39

Not posting per se, but posting a book entry. These are the rest of the books for 2009, November and December. For the curious, there is some interesting stuff in here with regards to my hometown. :) ( ?style=light version of this entry to work around my layout. )

1. Chris Evans - A Darkness Forged in Fire
I'm not sure what to think about this one yet. The plot is intriguing, but the text needs editing and needs it bad. The hero's name, Konowa, is also singularly distracting. It sets up a world where outcast elves, marked by the "Shadow Monarch" use iron-based weapons such as cannons and guns. That, the emphasis on satirical humour, and the dynamic fighting scenes (or so I'm told, have not reached a larger scale battle yet) make it interesting - to me.2. Daniel Hope - Wann darf ich klatschen? "When am I allowed to applaud?" is a guide for classical concert-goers. Good for etiquette at such events, and chances are good you'll learn something you didn't know before. 3. Irland A collection of photos, originally intended as a gift. Might still turn out that way.

4. Dora Heldt - Tante Inge haut ab "Aunt Inge Takes Off", it's a sequel. 5. Uwe Tellkamp - Der Turm "The Tower", subtitled "Story from a Sunken Land" (or "History from a Sunken Land", Geschichte means both in German!) tells of the collapse of the GDR, its last years. Most importantly, it tells a story of what happens to a person who loves freedom (or the idea of freedom) in a society such as that one.6. ほった ゆみ - ヒカルの碁 10 完全版

7. ほった ゆみ - ヒカルの碁 11 完全版 8. ほった ゆみ - ヒカルの碁 12 完全版 9. Matthias Nöllke & Christian Sprang - Aus die Maus The title "Over and done." as well as the cover might already clue you in: this is a collection of obituary notices from German newspapers. Hilarious - intentionally or unintentionally so - obituary notices. A+

10. Welche Marke steckt dahinter? "Which brand is it?", a consumer's guide. 11. Jürgen Kliewe - Geschichte & Geschichten zur 750-Jahrfeier der Stadt Ueckermünde (1260-2010) "History and Stories for the 750th anniversary of the Town Ueckermünde". This is my hometown! :D 12. Edda Gutsche - Schlösser und Herrenhäuser in Pommern "Castles and Manors in Pomerania". And by Pomerania they mean both sides of the border. After WW2, Pomerania was divided somewhat haphazardly, and a large chunk went to Poland. My roots are on the Polish side of the border, even though by that time even my Granddad lived on this side of the river Oder. He (my maternal grandfather) has nomadic roots within the Sakha (a couple of generations back). It was still visible in him though, and a very little bit in me, too. (First two images are my grandpa and a group of older Sakha/Yakuts respectively, latter two images show me.)*

13. Julia Conrad - Drachenmagier "Dragon Mage(s)" - plural and singular are the same in German in this case. 14. Jan Josef Liefers - Soundtrack meiner Kindheit "Soundtrack of my Youth". This is the autobiography of an East-German actor. It comes with a CD where he covers the songs that have impacted him the most. *is awfully tempted to start singing "Alt wie ein Baum"*. (... möchte ich werden, genau wie der Dichter es beschreibt ...)15. Wlodzimierz Borodziej - Als der Osten noch Heimat war: Was vor der Vertreibung geschah: Pommern, Schlesien, Westpreußen. "When the East was still Home: What happened before the Displacement. (Pomerania, Silesia, West Prussia)". The title pretty much says it all.

16. Terry Pratchett - Nation 17. Walter Graupner - Ueckermünde. Gesichter einer vorpommerschen Hafenstadt "Ueckermünde. Faces of a West-Pomeranian Port Town". My hometown again! That's the old city center you can see in the picture, with the Baltic Sea in the background. My parents' house is just off to the right. This is a collection of photos of the people who "run" the town. Groups of workers, clubs, organizations. It being a small town, I know at least one person in any given image. ^^18. Evan Wright - Generation Kill Yes, yes, I bought it for the HBO series. It's really interesting though.

19. Jim Butcher - Storm Front20. Jim Butcher - Fool Moon21. Maggie Stiefvater - Shiver
22. Rick Riordan - The Lightning Thief * - Obviously I'm not saying that I'm a PoC - I code as white (and mostly am), and always will. But even those who think of themselves as "pure" whatever really aren't. ( ?style=light version of this entry to work around my layout. ) This entry is a mirror of |
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generation kill, books, history, life, the good life, in which i ramble a lot, family

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