1. Quote of the Day:
"If people never did silly things, nothing intelligent would ever get done."
-- Ludwig Wittgenstein
New motto, y/y?
2. Beautiful new layout, courtesy of
cartonage. :)
3. Axolotl art! :D
"Blind" by
Jay Horinouchi, via
Tokyomango. Cute, no? ^_^ This is what the artist has to say:
I had just graduated from college so I was confused about a lot of things... finding the right job, working through a relationship, etc. The left side represents going with the grain, doing what's expected of me and finding contentment in what everyone else finds contentment in (very Japanese). The right side represents going against the flow, even if I'm alone in doing so. I wanted to evoke the thought of who really is "Blind" in this kind of scenario? To blindly follow your heart or blindly follow the crowd, which is worse? Haha, did that make sense?
4. Ginormous doujinshi-related post in the works - scanning and writing up brief reviews takes up time, so I'm going to do it tomorrow or so.
5. My schedule for the next two weeks:
- Thursday: register for exam, go to Scatolina specialty paper store for supplies
- Friday: Robyn concert (the one that was cancelled last week)
- Saturday: Japanese class, driving north to the Baltic Sea to visit my parents + grandma
- Tuesday/Wednesday: drive back to Berlin, Vienna Teng concert
- Thursday: Eagles of Death Metal concert (\m/(*_*)\m/)
- Friday: meeting up with
kawaiipansy and Kathrin, flying to Dublin
- Saturday: driving up to Belfast
- Sunday: Giant's Causeway for me, Cliffs of Moher for the others
- Rest of our Trip: sights, drinking (St. Paddy's!! ^^) and fun!
kawaiipansy and I have a reputation to uphold, so it'll probably be 10 sights a day and more. We usually take in a *lot* of culture on any given trip, because we both figure that we can party anywhere, but how often are you going to be in Paris/London/wherever, right?
6. I had a whole post all written out about Racefail 2009 - and then I realised that I really did not want to post it, or think about it anymore. Especially since the underlying sentiment of that post-which-will-never-be can be summarised as: "Sigh."
7. I was surfing around the Shogakukan website, searching for more info about that ginormous German-Japanese dictionary they released, when I stumbled upon their company philosophy:
Though it is not possible for publications to solve the world's problems, they are capable of sowing small seeds that move people's hearts in a positive direction. It is the task of publications to sow seeds that bear fruit in our lives and bloom as flowers. That is our philosophy.
I thought that was quite beautiful. You know, for a corporate identity thing. :)