Dec 03, 2005 22:10
O.k...I'm...HIGHLY frustrated right now..with..EVERYTHING...and everyone..well..not EVERYONE..I'm not frustrated with y'all..but yano. lol...Finals..are even MORE sister I share a room with hates me and she's a snobby jerk and she's always hurting my feelings...Bugg is such a prep and she KNOWS that I'm not "of her social status" and she makes SURE I know that she's better than me! GAH Just...just..shoot me!
I JUST got done writing 55 index cards worth of points to help me pass my Civilization exam and I got on the computer to check on my online class....and bugg jumped down my throat and went off on how stupid I am..etc... then mom and dad sided with HER and...I got chewed out for NOTHING!!! GOSH..they said I needed to be, "more understanding" GAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH. I want to move out. lol...but I can't. it stinks!!! and what's more....Chelsea is taking lessons from bugg..and now SHE TOO is starting to be a jerk:( SO that means..poor De'Aun and I are gonna be being bullied for who knows HOW MANY years to come:( anyways...I guess I've made everyone bored enough for now! <3