Apr 11, 2007 06:10
Mmm Biochemistry. Too much Biochem. Final exam in 2.5 hours. After 2 days of studying, (can't really be considered cramming if it's over 2 days I supposed) I actually think I'm might be able to do this. There are few specific things that elude me but overall I think I'm gonna kick ass. Biochemical ass. AFter 2 hours of sleep, hmmm stress and I can see when I close my eyes are the same damn equations and pathways I've bveen looking at for the past 2 days. JUst drawing all the pathways I had to memorize would take over an hour.
Just went over a practice exam and I got most of them right. YAY!!! I thought I would be scrwed still but this shit is finally making sense.
After exam (and after telling my prof to fuck off since that is how we show our appreciation to him), I think I'm gonna see if I can get my grubby little paws on a copy of Super Paper Mario. Or start the purging process, lots of booze, I have enough in my room. I could get drink more coffee but instead of irish cream creamer I just use Bailey's :P
Or I could just sleep. MMM Glorious sleep non-inbited by biochemistry in my head