I died in the Dungeon of Kadinschild
I was killed in a rubble-strewn cave by Gothicmuse the troll, whilst carrying...
a Figurine of Meowilicious, the Sword of Zoyamarie, the Armour of Vivamophone and 21 gold pieces.
Score: 35
Explore the Dungeon of Kadinschild and try to beat this score,
or enter your username to generate and explore your own dungeon...
I only managed to kill Zanxial the troll before dying :( I killed myself
I died in the Dungeon of Zanxial
I was killed in a fog-shrouded tunnel by Dustythecat the troll, whilst carrying...
a Figurine of Xxmasamunexx, the Dagger of Bibliomaniacal, the Dagger of Craigthepanda and 19 gold pieces.
Score: 34
Explore the Dungeon of Zanxial and try to beat this score,
or enter your username to generate and explore your own dungeon...
Damnit Dusty, stupid cat. I blame Zoyamarie, she seduced me twice and got rid of my shields :(