Dear 'rents...OIK, you can go on holiday again I suppose...

Jul 02, 2007 17:44

The 'rents got hom home about seven this morning to judge by when I got the text (and then the phone call) As I eventually suspected, there was not enough money on their phone for much in the way of info updating. Basically they got shuttled off to a hotel about 4am (Greek time so not that long after they should have taken off to get home) so get another day in Greece proper, rather than Greece, the airport. They going in basically about 24hours after they should have. And they apparently have a lovely pair of sandals for me. Squee.

Today has been slightly less than fun, seeing as the preggers lass, L, I am going to be covering for was being extra hormonal plus today, pasrtly because our line manager, D, had called in sick even though this was meant to be the busiest day so far (but want's mostly due to Royal Mail not functioning Friday and today) She started off narked and got worse throughout the day. However, she realised this early on and kept apologising for it all day (even bought us kit-kats to make up at one point) Don't want to be D if she is in tomorrow. Want to be her even less if she ins't in tomorrow)L was meant to have started her maternity leave this week, but decided to extend to help out with period end. Poor thing.

Was good at lunchtime and had Musli (Superquinn rocks) and yoghurt with blueberries (working across from one of the best green grocers in Glasgow rocks even more) I also got some vine tomatos, some avocad and red onion. Guess what I am having for lunch tomorrow? Also I got some lovely Ayrshire tatties and some brocolli to go with the Trout for tonights tea. Yummy.


holidays, work, 'rents, food

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