Fictional Characters!

Apr 05, 2008 23:46

1. Solen - Legendsong Trilogy
2. Booth - Bones
3. Darragh - Sevenwaters Trilogy
4. Fian - Obernewtyn
5. George - Tamora Pierce’s Tortall books
6. Edward Cullen - Twilight series
7. Harrison - Alyzon Whitestarr
8. Ned - Pushing Daisies
9. Westley - The Princess Bride
10. Eric Gotts - Wonderfalls

I was trying to pick my favourites who hadn't been picked yet - and most of them hadn't, so that was good! =D I just noticed though that practically all of them are the male lead... Oh well. =P And it was hard picking just one from the Sevenwaters Trilogy, but I didn't want to seem greedy! =P

I tag anyone who hasn't done it yet as well... *looks shifty*

tv shows, obernewtyn, pushing daisies, meme, bones, ic books, legendsong, books, wonderfalls, fictional characters

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