There has been serious eye-rolling at casa zanthine over season 9. Honestly, in this issue you mostly know who's who by context clues; Blond with a big black coat? Must be Spike! One issue had him with a beige turtle neck under the Big Black Coat. Look at the the other clip I posted below in a reply to Lady Peyton. Do you recognize any of these people?
In the comics the only way to recognize Andrew is when other people use his name.
The other two are Buffy's roommate Anaheed (who we just discovered is a slayer trying to watch Buffy's back) and Billy. Billy is a "slayer". He's a wanna-be that they brought in to bravely battle the vampires because they needed Moar Boyz. There were a whole bunch of really dull issues about him that only peripherally involved the actual scoobies. Now he's Buffy's bestest friend. I call him Billy-sue and hope his purpose is to die dramatically and make everyone feel badly about his tragic backstory. /bitter
In the comics the only way to recognize Andrew is when other people use his name. LOL.
And oh, I remember people talking about Billy. He's still around? Goodness. Billy-Sue seems a very apt moniker. :)
Anaheed is... utterly unknown to me. Makes me think of aniseed. Also a name I've never come across, and considering that I deal with Malgorzata's and Jawad's on a daily basis, that's something.
And I hope you get some sleep soon. I ought to be up and dressed, but it's Saturday, so...
I kind of like Anaheed. SHe's always been a kind of fun roommate, and now we find out she's secretly been watching Buffy's back. And helping with her share of the rent when needed. I've never heard of anyone with that name either though; I assumed it was supposed to be Indian, but in San Francisco? She could be any number of things. "Ambiguously Ethnic", which really isn't unusual there or here!
You know, that actually kind of makes logical sense. Big Armenia population in california; they moved there after the genocide in Turkey just after WWI. Tragically some of them are Kardashians.
My vampire wins! /petty
The development does sound like something semi-decent, but oh, I could never read it. *goes off to fetch brain bleach*
No.... Should I?
and I'm pretty sure that's meant to be Andrew there with Anaheed and Billy-sue
The other two are Buffy's roommate Anaheed (who we just discovered is a slayer trying to watch Buffy's back) and Billy. Billy is a "slayer". He's a wanna-be that they brought in to bravely battle the vampires because they needed Moar Boyz. There were a whole bunch of really dull issues about him that only peripherally involved the actual scoobies. Now he's Buffy's bestest friend. I call him Billy-sue and hope his purpose is to die dramatically and make everyone feel badly about his tragic backstory. /bitter
This comment brought to you by insomnia!
And oh, I remember people talking about Billy. He's still around? Goodness. Billy-Sue seems a very apt moniker. :)
Anaheed is... utterly unknown to me. Makes me think of aniseed. Also a name I've never come across, and considering that I deal with Malgorzata's and Jawad's on a daily basis, that's something.
And I hope you get some sleep soon. I ought to be up and dressed, but it's Saturday, so...
Although considering that this is Buffy comics territory I guess we can ignore any possibility of deeper meanings. ;)
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