Books and Sensibilities

Oct 19, 2006 21:57

Calling everyone on my friend list for help!

I'm working on a small project concerning what people find disturbing in a book. The question first arose when there were a couple of students objecting to a book being read in a Gen. Ed. English class. And some students in my modern American Lit. class refused to read Beloved. Then, yesterday, the Honors Program retracted its Book of the Semester Being There because of a prolonged sex scene in chapter 5.

The question is interesting, especially in my school where there is a strong Mormon influence. I've interviewed several of my teachers and fellow students, but would like to get a larger and more diverse sample. So please fill out the longish poll beneath the cut. I'm also leaving this as a public entry. Please ask your friends to come and fill it out. Hopefully it'll generate a nice discussion. [/Claw]

Poll Books and Sensibilities

poll, books

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