stole it know who..

Mar 11, 2005 21:21

1. What does your LJ nickname mean?
well, it can mean a very hyper-pigtailed-10-year-old-girl or it can be the name of Earth's second's pick..

2. Elaborate on your icon photo?

3. Did you lie about your age anywhere on the net?
why?? are you a i-catch-girls-who-lie-about-their-age-on-the-net cop?? if so, then, OF COURSE I NEVER LIED ABOUT MY AGE ON THE NET!!!mommy told me it's not good to lie.

4. How many LJ friends do you have?
i'm too lazy to check out my frinds i'm guessing like...5...i have more friends in real me.

5. What is your current status?
this is a very complex question. you see, i am married to nisha and then i think tashnia is my girlfriend but then i don't have a boyfriend. so what's the status for someone who is married and has a girlfriend and yet doesn't have a boyfriend??

6. What are you wearing right now?
um, well, i'm wearing what all human beings on this planet (excluding strippers) wear: cloths.

7. What is life to you?

8. What is love to you?
...yet to find out..

9. What kind of people do you hate most?
people who make the stupidest jokes, always walks at the speed of light, annoys the shit out of you for last night's homework, wanders off to la-la land in the middle of a conversation.....everything i do.

10.What type of people do you like most?
people who are straight forward, honest, smart, funny, trust-worthy, tall...everything i'm not.

11.What makes you happy?
finishing this quiz with witty sarcasm in the next 10 seconds will make me very happy.

12.Are you musically inclined?
sure..if you call the sound of my burp music...i can burp real loud...people turned deaf due to my loud burping...

13.What would you do if you woke up one morning and found out that the person you love most didn't exist or was killed?
well, if the person didn't exist, then how could this non-existant person be the one i love the most??if the person was killed, i would show the police this quiz (specifically this question) and whoever wrote this quiz will be their number one suspect...

14.If you could go back in time and change ONE thing, what would you change?
well, i wouldn't change anything, but i would kill the moron who invented bad hair days..

15.If you MUST be an animal for ONE day, what will you be?
i would be a dodo bird...i want to know what it's like to be a species with such a goofy name...

16.Ever had a near death experience?
yes...this morning when i saw the giant zit on my forehead.

17.Name ONE obvious personality quality you have.
i'll leave this question up to my friends to answer. i'm too scared of what i might come up with...

18.What's the name of the song that's stuck in your head right now?
i'll come back to this question when a song sticks to my head..

19.Are you happy today?
if being happy means hitting your head on the table five times in a row, then yes, i couldn't be much happier.

20.Who will cut and paste this first?
consult a psychic.
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